List of all assigned keyboard shortcuts
actually, the created function export the complete current shortcut config.
Try my Nightly build -
Hello, Scott and All,
Scott, starting from your very interesting post, about a way to gather all the default N++ shortcuts, from different N++ source files, I tried, these past days, to go on, building an ( almost ! ) exhaustive table of all the commands ( mainly, Notepad++ and Scintilla ones )
This list, based on the last N++ v7.2 version, shows all the commands, with their existing default shortcuts, or without any default shortcut
) and give a way to, systematically, associate a shortcut to a command, by :-
Using, mainly, the Shortcut Mapper program
Creating a macro , with an associated shortcut, when the specific wanted command is NOT available in the Shortcut Mapper
This list is quite long : about 700 lines ! So here is, below, the very beginning and the very end of this table, ONLY !
*------*------------*-----------------------------------------------*---------*--------*-------*---------*---------------*--------*-------* *-------------*-------*----------------------------------------------------*---------------------------------* | Type | Menu N++ | Command Name, in N++ Menu ORDER | Cmd Id | Ctrl | Alt | Shift | Key Name | Key H | Key D | | Menu Mapper | Num | Command Name, in Shortcut Mapper | Notes | *------*------------*-----------------------------------------------*---------*--------*-------*---------*---------------*--------*-------* *-------------*-------*----------------------------------------------------*---------------------------------* | | File | IDM_FILE_NEW | 41001 | Ctrl | | | VK_N | 0x4E | 78 | | Main | 1 | New | | | | File | IDM_FILE_OPEN | 41002 | Ctrl | | | VK_O | 0x4F | 79 | | Main | 2 | Open | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | File | IDM_FILE_OPEN_FOLDER | 41019 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 3 | Explorer | | | | File | IDM_FILE_OPEN_CMD | 41020 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 4 | cmd | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | File | IDM_FILE_OPENFOLDERASWORSPACE | 41022 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 5 | Open Folder as Workspace... | | | | File | IDM_FILE_RELOAD | 41014 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 6 | Reload from Disk | | | | File | IDM_FILE_SAVE | 41006 | Ctrl | | | VK_S | 0x53 | 83 | | Main | 7 | Save | | | | File | IDM_FILE_SAVEAS | 41008 | Ctrl | Alt | | VK_S | 0x53 | 83 | | Main | 8 | Save As... | | | | File | IDM_FILE_SAVECOPYAS | 41015 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 9 | Save a Copy As... | | | | File | IDM_FILE_SAVEALL | 41007 | Ctrl | | Shift | VK_S | 0x53 | 83 | | Main | 10 | Save All | | | | File | IDM_FILE_RENAME | 41017 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 11 | Rename... | | | | File | IDM_FILE_CLOSE | 41003 | Ctrl | | | VK_W | 0x57 | 87 | | Main | 12 | Close | | | | File | IDM_FILE_CLOSEALL | 41004 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 13 | Close All | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | File | IDM_FILE_CLOSEALL_BUT_CURRENT | 41005 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 14 | Close All but Active Document | | | | File | IDM_FILE_CLOSEALL_TOLEFT | 41009 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 15 | Close All to the Left | | | | File | IDM_FILE_CLOSEALL_TORIGHT | 41018 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 16 | Close All to the Right | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | File | IDM_FILE_DELETE | 41016 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 17 | Move to Recycle Bin | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | File | IDM_FILE_LOADSESSION | 41012 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 18 | Load Session... | | | | File | IDM_FILE_SAVESESSION | 41013 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 19 | Save Session... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | File | IDM_FILE_PRINT | 41010 | Ctrl | | | VK_P | 0x50 | 80 | | Main | 20 | Print... | | | | File | IDM_FILE_PRINTNOW | 1001 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Main | 21 | Print Now | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | File | IDM_FILE_RESTORELASTCLOSEDFILE | 41021 | Ctrl | | Shift | VK_T | 0x54 | 84 | | Main | 23 | Restore Recent Closed File | | | MA | File | IDM_OPEN_ALL_RECENT_FILE | 42040 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | | | | | | MA | File | IDM_CLEAN_RECENT_FILE_LIST | 42041 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | File | IDM_FILE_EXIT | 41011 | | Alt | | VK_F4 | 0x73 | 115 | | Main | 22 | Exit | | ..................................... ..................................... | SC | | | 2335 | Ctrl | | | VK_BACK | 0x08 | 08 | | Scintilla | 86 | SCI_DELWORDLEFT | | | SC | | | 2336 | Ctrl | | | VK_DELETE | 0x2E | 46 | | Scintilla | 87 | SCI_DELWORDRIGHT | | | SC | | | 2395 | Ctrl | | Shift | VK_BACK | 0x08 | 08 | | Scintilla | 88 | SCI_DELLINELEFT | | | SC | | | 2396 | Ctrl | | Shift | VK_DELETE | 0x2E | 46 | | Scintilla | 89 | SCI_DELLINERIGHT | | | SC | | | 2338 | Ctrl | | Shift | VK_L | 0x4C | 76 | | Scintilla | 90 | SCI_LINEDELETE | | | SC | | | 2337 | Ctrl | | | VK_L | 0x4C | 76 | | Scintilla | 91 | SCI_LINECUT | | | SC | | | 2455 | Ctrl | | Shift | VK_X | 0x58 | 88 | | Scintilla | 92 | SCI_LINECOPY | | | SC | | | 2339 | Ctrl | | | VK_T | 0x54 | 84 | | Scintilla | 93 | SCI_LINETRANSPOSE | | | SC | | | 2404 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Scintilla | 94 | SCI_LINEDUPLICATE | IDM_EDIT_DUP_LINE | | SC | | | 2325 | | | | VK_ESCAPE | 0x1B | 27 | | Scintilla | 95 | SCI_CANCEL | | | SC | | | 2607 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Scintilla | 96 | SCI_SWAPMAINANCHORCARET | | | SC | | | 2606 | | | | VK_NULL | 0x00 | | | Scintilla | 97 | SCI_ROTATESELECTION | | *------*------------*-----------------------------------------------*---------*--------*-------*---------*---------------*--------*-------* *-------------*-------*----------------------------------------------------*---------------------------------* | Type | Menu N++ | Command Name, in N++ Menu ORDER | Sci Id | Ctrl | Alt | Shift | Key Name | Key H | Key D | | Menu Mapper | Num | Command Name, in Shortcut Mapper | Notes | *------*------------*-----------------------------------------------*---------*--------*-------*---------*---------------*--------*-------* *-------------*-------*----------------------------------------------------*---------------------------------*
So, Scott, and concerned people, if you don’t mind giving me an e-mail address, I’ll send you this file, as an attached piece ! And, please, just tell me if this file seems valuable and useful to you !
Later, if of some interest, this file ( 177 Kb ) could be stored on Net :-) I promised you that I’ll update this file, each time a new release comes out, although I quite sure it won’t change very often !
Ahhhhhhh ! As a post cannot be longer than 16384 characters, just go on reading my 3 following posts :-))
Hi, Scott and All,
So, continuation of my previous post !
I named this table Synthesis.cpp. By that means, in that C++ Source file, the MenuId and ScintillaID numbers, as well the the keys numbers, coloured in orange, are easy to see !
The first column give the different ways to associate a shortcut, to each command, in the shortcut Mapper :
The notations
refer to commands that produce no result or that are not used ! -
The notations
refer to usual Run, Plugins or Scintilla commands -
The notation
refer to commands which can be run, via a Macro, exclusively, with an associated shortcut -
When, for a specific line, the Type column is EMPTY, this means that a shortcut can be associated to that command, either :
by using the Shortcut Mapper
by creating a Macro and its associated shortcut
In the second table, below, for the example shortcut, associated to the
Alt + F12
keys, you’ll find, depending on the Type notation, the correct line(s) to add, in the noticed Shortcut.xml node :*------*-----------------------*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | Type | Shortcuts.xml NODE | Example of Command Syntax to use for Shortcut Alt + VK_F12 ( 123 ) | *------*-----------------------*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | xx | | NO Result | *------*-----------------------*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | // | | NOT Used | *------*-----------------------*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | | InternalCommands | <Shortcut id="41022" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="123" /> | | |-----------------------*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | | | <Macro name="Open Folder as Workspace..." Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="123"> | | | Macros | <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="41022" lParam="0" sParam="" /> | | | | </Macro> | *------*-----------------------*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | | | <Macro name="Online Help" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="123"> | | MA | Macros | <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="47003" lParam="0" sParam="" /> ( NpWiki++ Main Page ) | | | | </Macro> | *------*-----------------------*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | RU | UserDefinedCommands | <Command name="Launch in Firefox" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="123">firefox "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"</Command> | *------*-----------------------*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | PL | PluginCommands | <PluginCommand moduleName="NppConverter.dll" internalID="3" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="123" /> | *------*-----------------------*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* | SC | ScintillaKeys | <ScintKey ScintID="2330" menuCmdID="0" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="123" /> ( Writes a 'Form Feed' Character ) | *------*-----------------------*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
Refer, also, to the link below :
The second column shows the N++ menu, where each command belongs
The third column displays, when possible, the N++ command name, of each command, given in the same ORDER than they appear in N++ menus
The fourth column contains the five digits NumID of each Notepad++ command or the four digits SciID of each Scintilla command
The four following columns give the description of the default shortcut of each command, in Notepad++, v7.2
The two following columns display the hexadecimal and decimal forms of the Windows
value, of the key, used in each shortcut, or the hex0x00
value for the VK_NULL key. Note that the decimal value is the scan-code, used by the Key tag, in the shortcuts.xml file
Hi, Scott and All,
So, continuation of my previous post !
Here is below, a third table, with the Windows Virtual Keys values, for the default
keyboard :*==================*========*=======*===================* | VK Name | Hex | Dec | Notes | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NULL | 0x00 | 0 | | *==================*========*=======*===================* *==================*========*=======*===================* | US keyboard - LEFT part - FIRST Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK Name | Hex | Dec | Notes | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_ESCAPE | 0x1B | 27 | | | | | | | | VK_F1 | 0x70 | 112 | | | VK_F2 | 0x71 | 113 | | | VK_F3 | 0x72 | 114 | | | VK_F4 | 0x73 | 115 | | | | | | | | VK_F5 | 0x74 | 116 | | | VK_F6 | 0x75 | 117 | | | VK_F7 | 0x76 | 118 | | | VK_F8 | 0x77 | 119 | | | | | | | | VK_F9 | 0x78 | 120 | | | VK_F10 | 0x79 | 121 | | | VK_F11 | 0x7A | 122 | | | VK_F12 | 0x7B | 123 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - LEFT part - SECOND Row ! *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_OEM_3 | 0xC0 | 192 | Key US '~ `' | | VK_1 | 0x31 | 49 | | | VK_2 | 0x32 | 50 | | | VK_3 | 0x33 | 51 | | | VK_4 | 0x34 | 52 | | | VK_5 | 0x35 | 53 | | | VK_6 | 0x36 | 54 | | | VK_7 | 0x37 | 55 | | | VK_8 | 0x38 | 56 | | | VK_9 | 0x39 | 57 | | | VK_0 | 0x30 | 48 | | | VK_OEM_MINUS | 0xBD | 189 | Key US '_ -' | | VK_OEM_PLUS | 0xBB | 187 | Key US '+ =' | | VK_BACK | 0x08 | 8 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - LEFT part - THIRD Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_TAB | 0x09 | 9 | | | VK_Q | 0x51 | 81 | | | VK_W | 0x57 | 87 | | | VK_E | 0x45 | 69 | | | VK_R | 0x52 | 82 | | | VK_T | 0x54 | 84 | | | VK_Y | 0x59 | 89 | | | VK_U | 0x55 | 85 | | | VK_I | 0x49 | 73 | | | VK_O | 0x4F | 79 | | | VK_P | 0x50 | 80 | | | VK_OEM_4 | 0xDB | 219 | Key US '{ [' | | VK_OEM_6 | 0xDD | 221 | Key US '} ]' | | VK_OEM_5 | 0xDC | 220 | Key US '| \' | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - LEFT part - FOURTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_CAPITAL | 0x14 | 20 | | | VK_A | 0x41 | 65 | | | VK_S | 0x53 | 83 | | | VK_D | 0x44 | 68 | | | VK_F | 0x46 | 70 | | | VK_G | 0x47 | 71 | | | VK_H | 0x48 | 72 | | | VK_J | 0x4A | 74 | | | VK_K | 0x4B | 75 | | | VK_L | 0x4C | 76 | | | VK_OEM_1 | 0xBA | 186 | Key US ': ;' | | VK_OEM_7 | 0xDE | 222 | Key US '" '' | | VK_RETURN | 0x0D | 13 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - LEFT part - FIFTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_SHIFT | 0x10 | 16 | | | VK_Z | 0x5A | 90 | | | VK_X | 0x58 | 88 | | | VK_C | 0x43 | 67 | | | VK_V | 0x56 | 86 | | | VK_B | 0x42 | 66 | | | VK_N | 0x4E | 78 | | | VK_M | 0x4D | 77 | | | VK_OEM_COMMA | 0xBC | 188 | Key US '< ,' | | VK_OEM_PERIOD | 0xBE | 190 | Key US '> .' | | VK_OEM_2 | 0xBF | 191 | Key US '? /' | | VK_SHIFT | 0x10 | 16 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - LEFT part - SIXTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_CONTROL | 0x11 | 17 | | | VK_LWIN | 0x5B | 91 | | | VK_MENU | 0x12 | 18 | | | VK_SPACE | 0x20 | 32 | | | VK_RWIN | 0x5C | 92 | | | VK_APPS | 0x5D | 93 | | | VK_CONTROL | 0x11 | 17 | | *==================*========*=======*===================* *==================*========*=======*===================* | US keyboard - MIDDLE part - FIRST Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK Name | Hex | Dec | Notes | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_INSERT | 0x2D | 45 | | | VK_HOME | 0x24 | 36 | | | VK_PRIOR | 0x21 | 33 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - MIDDLE part - SECOND Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_DELETE | 0x2E | 46 | | | VK_END | 0x23 | 35 | | | VK_NEXT | 0x22 | 34 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - MIDDLE part - THIRD Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_UP | 0x26 | 38 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - MIDDLE part - FOURTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_LEFT | 0x25 | 37 | | | VK_DOWN | 0x28 | 40 | | | VK_RIGHT | 0x27 | 39 | | *==================*========*=======*===================* *==================*========*=======*===================* | US keyboard - RIGHT part - FIRST Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK Name | Hex | Dec | Notes | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_SNAPSHOT | 0x2C | 44 | | | VK_SCROLL | 0x91 | 145 | | | VK_PAUSE | 0x13 | 19 | | | VK_ATTN | 0xF6 | 246 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - RIGHT part - SECOND Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMLOCK | 0x90 | 144 | | | VK_DIVIDE | 0x6F | 111 | | | VK_MULTIPLY | 0x6A | 106 | | | VK_SUBTRACT | 0x6D | 109 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - RIGHT part - THIRD Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMPAD7 | 0x67 | 103 | | | VK_NUMPAD8 | 0x68 | 104 | | | VK_NUMPAD9 | 0x69 | 105 | | | VK_ADD | 0x6B | 107 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - RIGHT part - FOURTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMPAD4 | 0x64 | 100 | | | VK_NUMPAD5 | 0x65 | 101 | | | VK_NUMPAD6 | 0x66 | 102 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - RIGHT part - FIFTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMPAD1 | 0x61 | 97 | | | VK_NUMPAD2 | 0x62 | 98 | | | VK_NUMPAD3 | 0x63 | 99 | | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | US keyboard - RIGHT part - SIXTH Row | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_NUMPAD0 | 0x60 | 96 | | | VK_DECIMAL | 0x6E | 110 | | | VK_RETURN | 0x0D | 13 | | *==================*========*=======*===================* *==================*========*=======*===================* | OTHER Virtual Keys | *------------------*--------*-------*-------------------* | VK_CANCEL | 0x03 | 3 | | | VK_CLEAR | 0x0C | 12 | | | | | | | | VK_KANA | 0x15 | 21 | | | VK_HANGUL | 0x15 | 21 | | | VK_JUNJA | 0x17 | 23 | | | VK_FINAL | 0x18 | 24 | | | VK_HANJA | 0x19 | 25 | | | VK_KANJI | 0x19 | 25 | | | | | | | | VK_CONVERT | 0x1C | 28 | | | VK_NONCONVERT | 0x1D | 29 | | | VK_ACCEPT | 0x1E | 30 | | | VK_MODECHANGE | 0x1F | 31 | | | | | | | | VK_SELECT | 0x29 | 41 | | | VK_PRINT | 0x2A | 42 | | | VK_EXECUTE | 0x2B | 43 | | | VK_HELP | 0x2F | 47 | | | | | | | | VK_SLEEP | 0x5F | 95 | | | | | | | | VK_SEPARATOR | 0x6C | 108 | | | | | | | | VK_F13 | 0x7C | 124 | | | VK_F14 | 0x7D | 125 | | | VK_F15 | 0x7E | 126 | | | VK_F16 | 0x7F | 127 | | | VK_F17 | 0x80 | 128 | | | VK_F18 | 0x81 | 129 | | | VK_F19 | 0x82 | 130 | | | VK_F20 | 0x83 | 131 | | | VK_F21 | 0x84 | 132 | | | VK_F22 | 0x85 | 133 | | | VK_F23 | 0x86 | 134 | | | VK_F24 | 0x87 | 135 | | | | | | | | VK_OEM_8 | 0xDF | 223 | | | | | | | | VK_OEM_102 | 0xE2 | 226 | Key US '< >' | | VK_OEM_RESET | 0xE9 | 233 | | | VK_OEM_JUMP | 0xEA | 234 | | | VK_OEM_PA1 | 0xEB | 235 | | | VK_OEM_PA2 | 0xEC | 236 | | | VK_OEM_PA3 | 0xED | 237 | | | VK_OEM_WSCTRL | 0xEE | 238 | | | VK_OEM_CUSEL | 0xEF | 239 | | | | | | | | VK_OEM_ATTN | 0xF0 | 240 | | | VK_OEM_FINISH | 0xF1 | 241 | | | VK_OEM_COPY | 0xF2 | 242 | | | VK_OEM_AUTO | 0xF3 | 243 | | | VK_OEM_ENLW | 0xF4 | 244 | | | VK_OEM_BACKTAB | 0xF5 | 245 | | | VK_CRSEL | 0xF7 | 247 | | | VK_EXSEL | 0xF8 | 248 | | | VK_EREOF | 0xF9 | 249 | | | VK_PLAY | 0xFA | 250 | | | VK_ZOOM | 0xFB | 251 | | | VK_NONAME | 0xFC | 252 | | | VK_PA1 | 0xFD | 253 | | | VK_OEM_CLEAR | 0xFE | 254 | | *==================*========*=======*===================*
Refer, also, to the two links below :
Then, the remaining columns refer to a table, closed to the previous one, relative to the Shortcut Mapper, itself :
The 11th column notices, in which tab of the Shortcut Mapper, each command is indicated
The 12th column gives the ORDER number of each command, indicated in the Shortcut Mapper
The 13 column shows, when possible, the Scintilla name of each command
The 14th and last column, just displays possible notes, about each command, if any
Remark : As this table is ordered, according to the occurring of commands in N++ menus, this same list, in the Shortcut Mapper table, may differ, in few locations, from the real list of the N++ Shortcut Mapper ( See, for instance, the set of the 8 Sort commands ! )
Hi, Scott and All,
Final post !
BTW, if, from that 700 lines list, you want to extract, in one go, the
default shortcuts, used in N++ v7.2, just perform the following S/R, in Regular expression mode, that deletes any line which does not have a VK name, ( different from VK_NULL ), inside the 8th column !SEARCH
(?-s)^(?=.{108}(VK_NULL |[ -])).+\R
So, from that narrowed list and/or from the complete one, you should easily update the list of all your own shortcuts, shouldn’t you ?
Best Regards
Hi @guy038
I would really like to see your list.
Can I get that list?
Thanks in advance
my email: -
Hi, Macgryver Johnson and Scott,
I sent you my Synthesis.cpp file, few minutes ago, by e-mail to both of you
This comes from the Notepad++ sites homepage. Scroll down to the bottom it is the last option. Hope it helps…Peace…
I know these posts are pretty old, but I hope I can still get the list.
Would you please send it to my email
Thanks a lot -
Hello, @IvyNo,
These next days, I’ll try to update the old list of Notepad++ and Scintilla commands, which I talk about in my first post of this thread, above. So, from the
version you’ll get the lastv7.7
version of this file.Remember that this file is, simply, a personal synthesis of some data from the
, normally located in folder notepad-plus-plus-7.7\PowerEditor\src of the archive notepad-plus-plus-7.7.zipSo, please, let me a couple of days to get it right and I’ll send you this
file, as well as the default complete list of N++v7.7
shortcuts, bye-mail ;-))Best Regards,
Hi Guy038,
Thanks a lot for your fast answer.
There is no hurry, take your time, I am happy to get the list, no matter when :-)
Kind regards -
Hi, @IvyNo,
Sorry for the long delay :-( First, I spent a week on vacation for a family celebration ( at the seaside !), then I helped a friend of my wife’s for computer problems and I had to prepare for my daughter’s future move, next Saturday ! And, of course, I delved into the source files of Notapad+++ 7.7.0 !
I sent you a mail, some minutes ago, with
attached files :-
, which recapitulates all Notepad++7.7.0
internal commands and corresponding Scintilla messages -
, which contains all messages and values of the...\Scintilla\include\Scintilla.h
file -
, which lists all default shortcuts of Notepad++7.7.0
and, for information :
, which recapitulates all#define
statements, referring to a numeric or string value, found in all the source files -
, which contains all enumerations from the...\Scintilla\include\Scintilla.iface
file -
, which lists all the scan codes of a traditionalUS
Note :
- These
files could have been renamed as simple.txt
files. But, by doing so, we just take advantage of the highlighting of numerical values and strings and of the folding, due to the pair{
I just hope that you’ll find useful some part of all that stuff, anyway !
Best Regards,
Hi @guy038
I have been looking for a similar table for a long time. Can I see the results of your labors? -
If I could iterate through it in a python code snippet would work
Just in case some else has the same requirement
import ctypes import ctypes.wintypes as wintypes user32 = ctypes.WinDLL('user32', use_last_error=True) NPP_HANDLE = user32.FindWindowW(u'Notepad++', None) MIIM_SUBMENU = 4 MIIM_STRING = 64 class MENUITEMINFO(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("cbSize" , wintypes.UINT), ("fMask" , wintypes.UINT), ("fType" , wintypes.UINT), ("fState" , wintypes.UINT), ("wID" , wintypes.UINT), ("hSubMenu" , wintypes.HMENU), ("hbmpChecked" , wintypes.HBITMAP), ("hbmpUnchecked", wintypes.HBITMAP), ("dwItemData" , wintypes.LPVOID), # ULONG_PTR ("dwTypeData" , wintypes.LPWSTR), ("cch" , wintypes.UINT), ("hbmpItem" , wintypes.HBITMAP),] npp_menu_handle = user32.GetMenu(NPP_HANDLE) def get_configured_shortcuts(menu_handle): menu_items = user32.GetMenuItemCount(menu_handle) for item in range(menu_items): uitem = item fByPosition = True mii = MENUITEMINFO() mii.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(mii) mii.fMask = MIIM_STRING | MIIM_SUBMENU lpmii = ctypes.byref(mii) user32.GetMenuItemInfoW(menu_handle, uitem, fByPosition, lpmii) if mii.hSubMenu: get_configured_shortcuts(mii.hSubMenu) mii.dwTypeData = ctypes.cast(ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(mii.cch+1), ctypes.c_wchar_p) mii.cch = mii.cch+1 mii.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(mii) user32.GetMenuItemInfoW(menu_handle, uitem, fByPosition, lpmii) if '\t' in mii.dwTypeData: shortcuts.append(mii.dwTypeData.split('\t')) shortcuts = [] for i in range(user32.GetMenuItemCount(npp_menu_handle)): submenu_handle = user32.GetSubMenu(npp_menu_handle, i) get_configured_shortcuts(submenu_handle) _max_length = len(max([x[0] for x in shortcuts], key=len)) editor.setText('\r\n'.join(['{0:<{2}} : {1}'.format(x[0], x[1], _max_length) for x in shortcuts]))
Interesting approach to get some of the shortcuts. :)
Why some? What did I miss?
Well, just as one example, most (if not all) Scintilla commands that have shortcuts in Shortcut Mapper are not output by the script.
You are right, how could I miss those?
Damn it. -
I have seen this thread before, but didn’t have any new ideas about it. When I saw your recent efforts, I thought it was interesting as I hadn’t thought about that kind of approach. So now I’m thinking, if the Shortcut Mapper info is left in memory (after being invoked once?), could some ctypes magic find it and report it? I don’t know enough about the internals, IIRC doesn’t it use something called
or something like that? -
if the Shortcut Mapper info is left in memory (after being invoked once?), could some ctypes magic find it and report it
Not sure about it, digging in npps memory seems to be a dangerous place :-D