Notepad++ v7.2 released
@Jonas-Andersson said:
Though it doesn’t work completely with a cloned document. The highlight is only seen when you view the same lines for a cloned document.
Smart highlighting extension to another view doesn’t be applied at all on cloned mode. So Smart highlighting should work as usual on cloned mode.
Hello. The 64-bit 7.2 release now installs into the %ProgramFiles(x86)% directory.
A 64-bit version of NPP in %ProgramFiles%\Notepad++ will still exist (just the earlier version) and the new version will be placed in the Program Files (x86) directory. Even though the earlier version’s (e.g. 7.1) files exist in the old directory the application version is updated in the Windows registry so that the latest version is reported as being installed. Was this change intentional?Thank you for all of your hard work. Love the program I just need clarification before deploying this new version.
Session snapshots and periodic backup don’t work with multi-instance. This has never worked well - having three windows open with edits when my computer is forced to reboot only restores the window I was working with when it died - but in the past all of my changes were in the backup directory; I just had to copy them out of there and add the changes back in manually.
Now only the main instance captures snapshots and backups. If I open notepad++, the last session (with, say, three files) opens. If I then File->Load Session, a new instance opens with the loaded session (I have this enabled in my preferences). However, none of the edits appear in the backup directory, even after I close the first instance. Even when the new instance is the only instance left, closing it (or crashing) does not save the session or modifications. I’ve lost work on more than one occasion before tearing into this to figure out what’s going on :(
As always, thanks for your hard work providing an excellent tool!
Windows 10 64-bit
Notepad++ v7.2 32-bit
Plugins:- Converter
- MIME Tools
- NppExport
Session Manager was previously installed and the behavior was exactly the same; I disabled it to see if it was interfering, but also because of another issue that launched an infinite number of instances when starting, faster than I could kill them :(
I noticed a few issues with Notepad++ 7.1 and 7.2 (x64) on Windows.
- When you silently deploy Notepad++ (using the ‘/s’ switch in Powershell), the installer can’t seem to tell if an older version is running, so the silent installer doesn’t close the old version or throw an exception that the process is running…
- When you silently deploy a new version of Notepad++ while an older version is running, the Notepad++ installer updates the Registry and the Control Panel information to match the new software details but does not upgrade the program itself. This issue is present even after rebooting a machine. Essentially, the system has all the information of the new software, but the software itself doesn’t update.
- The silent uninstaller leaves custom settings behind in the “C:\Program Files” folder rather than moving them elsewhere or removing them altogether.
I appreciate the hard work on this tool and just wanted to give you a heads up about these issues in case anyone else is experiencing them.
Hello, thank you for the release.
I’ve noticed that when choosing the options while installing the program, I can no longer choose the “Use the old, obsolete and monstrous icon” for the associated files as was available in previous installers (image).
How can I change the icon? With all the pluses of Notepad++, the files icon is not one for me :)
You might want to see/read Notepad++ obsolete icon back and npp 7 - regression and follow the mentioned link to Github. -
Download the Resource Hacker freeware. …
Locate the EXE file that you want to change. …
Make a backup of the EXE file. …
Right-click on the EXE file. …
Click Action and select Replace Icon. …
Open the new icon. …
Click the Replace button. …
Click File and select Save. -
hi all!
- in status bar to the right we have current opened document’s encoding info (STATUS-BAR_ENC-NFO) ANSI/UTF-8-BOM/UTF-8/…
my problem is
lots of years I’ve problems with Encoding-
in settings - preferences - New Document (tab) - I selected Encoding’s point “UTF-8 with BOM”
Ctrl + N. in this case new document will have document encoding “UTF-8” but here in STATUS-BAR_ENC-NFO value is “UTF-8 with BOM”.
in this new doc I’ve wrote ONE russian CHAR - “Ы” (e.g. - without ")
saved this new doc and realy it has “UTF-8” because 5 bytes
SORRY FOR ENGLISH. here I uploaded video. it’s match more better look at this video
N++ 7.2 - new doc lable is “UTF 8 with BOM” but realy “UTF-8” -
more problems with indication encoding
please look at other uploaded video
Are parallel installations officially supported? I ask because if I silently install notepad++ 32-bit on a system that already has notepad++ 64-bit installed, it will uninstall 64-bit in the process.
If they are supported, then during silent installation the prompt “You’re installing 32-bit version. 64-bit version has been installed. Remove it?” should default as “No.” If parallel installations are not recommended or supported, then the current silent installation behavior is fine.
The addition of another command line switch to choose the answer to that prompt would also work as well.
When using find/replace, it doesn’t do so completely. I needed to replace | (pipe) and " (double quote) with nothing and it ignored those which were separated by . (period). This is not a problem for my colleagues who ignored the upgrade pop-up.
Are you sure you didn’t have Regular Expression mode turned on when you did your F&R? Your use of “pipe” and “period” make regex bells go off in my head? Maybe provide a specific example with real data where it screws up?
I don’t know how to check if I’m in that mode. It’s not listed in my installed plugins. Here’s a data sample:
|.|xxxx |#xxx |HENDERSON |NV|89074|0000|…|…|…|I installed an old version so this is no longer an issue for me.
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