Whitespace characters replacement
I want to know if it’s possible to chance the whitespace characters on notepad++
For instance, I see this
But it feels too highlighted and cumbersome.
Monodevelop use very neat characters and coloring:
You can see they don’t get in the way of your code and they are still there.
I like to program with them enabled, but in notepad++ it’s impossible to have them activated.
I hope you have a solution for this.
Maybe the designers are trying to discourage the use of tab characters by making the visible version annoying? :)
I think that if I ever worked anywhere that allowed tab characters in their source code, I would agree with you and wouldn’t be able to have visible whitespace turned on. As it is, however, I like seeing visible SPACE characters, and I actually have to INCREASE the default level of highlight for them using a Pythonscript command, because the default is just too weak.
Sorry but I don’t think there is an easy solution for you with the visible tab characters…
I’m more interested on the carriage return / line feed characters, the others are fine.
In that case, see the “View” menu -> “Show Symbol” submenu options. There you have:
Show Whitespace and TAB
Show End of Line
Show All CharactersIf you set it to only “Show Whitespace and TAB”, then I think you’ll be happy with the result.