howto assingn color for "Strings"/'Strings' and NUMBERS in plain txt file
help me please assign color for “Strings” and NUMBERS in plain txt file
thanks -
ok, thanks. I found this possibility
here is one more question:
how to assign this new style for all new/opened txt files? -
question 3 - about “STRINGS”
I’ve added in TAB “OPERATORS & DELIMITER” at 1st delim style
CLOSE ’and want to add in ESCAPE field ENDLINE symbol but don’t know how todo this (I’ve selected & copied in text editor this new line (CR LF) and pasted to this field, but it doesn’t work ;( )
help me, help me, pleeeease.
thanks))) -
I can’t edit message. here is some comment
p.s. \r\n OR \n not worked too
how to assign this new style for all new/opened txt files?
currently npp doesn’t support a udl to be the default language so you need to tweak it
like stated here.
If it is only about already created files you can of course assign an file extension to the
udl, see udl dialog Ext field.q3: is it really needed? I thought multiline is the default behavior. If you still need
to define eol, here is described how.Cheers