Displacement selected in Find result
This is an old problem.
I’m talking about the displacement selected in Find result (window) after editing file.
Is it possible to fix it? -
to be honest - I don’t understand your request.
May I ask to clarify?Cheers
Claudia -
It’s hard to explain. I show.
I have to edit text from end. -
I see and to be honest wasn’t aware of it.
But is it really a bug? Considering that you changed a file after you searched
for something specific means your old search results are obsolete and you need to
redo searches.
If you want to have an interaction between find in files result window and the
“main” editor window I would propose you ask for an enhancement/feature request
at github .Cheers
Claudia -
Could you do it yourself. I’m bad at spelling in english. ))
Necessary to N ++ tracking changes in size file and shifted proportionally to the change. -
Here’s what I do to reduce the impact of this:
I start working with the last/bottom match in the Find Result panel. I double-click that to switch back to the editor window and make my edits in the file at that location, then switch back to the Find Result panel and double-click the match above the last/bottom one, make my edits in the file there, then…etc. This works because when making edits further down into the file it doesn’t affect the positioning of the earlier matches. I hope this explanation makes sense, it really does work!