Comment block in lisp file doesn't display correctly
Notepad++ 7.3.3
In lisp file, ;| and |; mark a comment block and it will be displayed in comment color. But only the first line beginning with ;| is displayed correctly and the color of the other lines looks incorrectly. Is it a bug? -
The lisp line in langs.xml is like this:
<Language name=“lisp” ext=“lsp” commentLine=“;;” commentStart=“;|” commentEnd=“|;”> -
maybe this was used in the past but current lexer defines
} else if (state == SCE_LISP_MULTI_COMMENT) { if (ch == '|' && chNext == '#') { i++; chNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1); styler.ColourTo(i, state); state = SCE_LISP_DEFAULT; }