Error when accessing the plugin manager.
I sometimes get an error when trying to access the plugin manager in Notepad++ (plugins>plugin manager>show plugin manager).
After that error the plugin manager window shows no plugins (neither available nor installed). Restarting the program is the only thing that temporarily fix this.
Is this a known issue or is it something on my side?
@Ahu-Lee What version of the Plugin Manager are you using?
I had been using the latest version. I’m quite sure it was (and Notepad++ was 7.3.3)
I’ve had this today as well, right after an update to the latest version.
It seems it cannot retrieve the list of plugins from the remote server.
Then the Plugin list is empty.Restarting NPP appears to fix it.
I just spent a bunch of time trying to get the plugin manager to work (uninstall/reinstall notepad++ a couple of times, delete files in appdata, manually install latest 1.4.9 plugin manager, etc…). This is on Windows 7 64-bit running 32-bit Notepad++. No matter what I’ve done the default settings keep generating the error “There was an error dowloading the plugin list. Please check your internet connection, and your proxy settings in Internet Explorer, Edge or Chrome”. I also noticed that the file being created,, was a corrupt archive.
The only thing that has finally worked is to use the "Use development plugin list (may contain untested, unvalidated or uninstallabel plugins) option listed in Plugin Manager Settings. All other settings are default.