Need spell checker - notepad ++ 7.5 - 64 bit
I have the latest notepad++ - in 64 bit. I need a spellchecker on this. Older ++ had this plug in, I see some posts etc about how plug in manager is gone in 64 bit version 7.5. I also see where it is back? I’ve tried drilling into the “plugin manager is back for 64 bit” sites I’ve googled up…however, none of them are remotely clear on how to install this?
My end goal (for today, later would like SQL and XML plugins) …for today is to have a spell checker in ver 7.5, 64 bit.
Can someone please point me in this direction where there are detailed steps and instructions, and not just a page of ,dll downloads with no instructions. -
Hello, @aj-anning,
Just refer to my two-years ago post to Violetta Buono :
Best Regards,
P.S. :
You may also be interested by this post :
I’m on Windows 10 by the way. I had done all these steps, however I was moving the dll into the 32 bit ++ dir. (didn’t realize I still had 32 bit ++ installed, I still should have known to be in Program files and not the (86) dir). Ok thats done, and restarted notepad ++., it didn’t work untill I installed a dictionary…makes sense.
currently it is Using the Hurspell library as opposed to Aspell.
Which is better?I’d like to add in other plugins, is there a good site which has all the 64 bit plugins?
I also do not have the plugin manager, where can I find this?
Thanks Much