Wrong encoding when you changed it manually
When you open text file which is encoded in OEM 866 and select manually from “Encoding” menu to switch to OEM 866, file contents is displayed in another/wrong encoding.
‡Ђ•Ђђ€ …Њ€‹Ћ‚ ‘Ћ”’…‚ /OEM 866/
must be
but is displayed as
噣晙悎 厡垕巶 憥敀厒Version 7.5.1 of NPP is working as expected. The bug is in version 7.5.2 and 7.5.3
This is a known bug in v7.5.2 and v7.5.3 so I’d suggest you stick with v7.5.1 for the time being.
Pull request to fix the issue is here https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/pull/3992