File Associations not sticking
I just configured a new PC and installed notepad++ 7.5.3 (64 bit). Whenever I try to set the default file associations, when I close the settings dialog and reopen it, the associations are set. When I close Notepad++ and reopen it, the file associations are no longer set. Bug?
Thanks. So its a permissions error - Are they going to fix the issue?
not sure what you mean, if you have the same issue as I described in the other post
then, other than providing a helpful message pointing to the problem, there nothing left
to do for npp.Or do you have something different in mind.
Claudia -
Just tried running the app as an administrator; when I do that, the settings stick but only when I run as admin. When i run the app as a regular user, the file associations are still blank. Sigh.
which basically confirms what is discussed - your account doesn’t have
sufficient rights to manipulate the needed registry keys.
Why this account has been removed the permission to modify the needed keys I cannot
say but one solution to solve this issue is to add your account to keys.
In the past, Microsoft provided tools to fix registry permission issues, maybe this is also
available for your os version.Cheers