Date filter in find in files
I have a new feature request.
When using “Find in Files” it would be nice to filter by date.
Like only today, last week, 2017-10-01 - 2017-10-15 etcRegards
Roland Bengtsson -
In the mean time you can use Windows Explorer (Win - e).
Yes, I’d agree with this one… it’s not unusual for me to have an explorer window open along side of Np++ b/c I associate the file type to Np++ and I just have to double-click to open them in Np++, they work well together. That way I can handle special project needs. And, since explorer also handles multiple type search .xml .html that’s also not an issue.
I’m not sure exactly what you’re saying. So, Np++ is responding; but, you can’t use the new1 file that’s created? Or after it makes new 1 it stops responding? or it’s not responding at all? Or what exactly?