Improvement request: Monitoring (tail -f) feature is slow because it is timer-driven => should be event-driven
Monitoring (tail -f) feature seems to be working based on timer-event and therefore it is not real-time and there is 1/2 timer period delay on the average. For example, if the timer period for monitoring is set to 1 sec, 0.5 sec delay on the average will happen while monitoring. This is very bad when monitoring multi-thread and/or multi-process programs. Even if the timer period is set to the minimum (let’s say 10ms) there is still delay in logging display.
There is a very good windows api for realtime event notification:
HANDLE WINAPI FindFirstChangeNotification(
In LPCTSTR lpPathName,
In BOOL bWatchSubtree,
In DWORD dwNotifyFilter
);For example,
HANDLE fch = FindFirstChangeNotification (szNewPath, FALSE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE);Using this will make monitoring realtime(no delay at all) unlike timer-driven way. It’s because the windows system notifies the file size change immediately from the kernel leverl.
So I hope next version improves the monitoring feature using the above api.
CodeProject has an tail -f utility article that shows the use of FindFirstChangeNotification.
This article will give the starting point for the improvement.
This article has one more super great feature that is very very useful when monitoring.
That is word-level highlighting with colour.If NotePad++ adds these two features (event-driven plus word-highlighting) it will be perfect for developers.