Bug when deleting folded text
Create INI file
[first option] param11=1 param12=1 param13=1 param14=1 [second option] param21=1 param22=1 param23=1 param24=1 [third option] param31=1 param32=1 param33=1 param34=1
Fold “First option” and “Second option”
[first option] [second option] [third option] param31=1 param32=1 param33=1 param34=1
Select the “First option” and “Second option”
Delete it
Save fileYou will get displayed:
[third option] param31=1 param32=1 param33=1 param34=1
But in file, it will be
param21=1 param22=1 param23=1 param24=1 [third option] param31=1 param32=1 param33=1 param34=1
Press “Del” (on first empty line)
Now it displayed asparam21=1 param31=1 param32=1 param33=1 param34=1
Confirming, it is reproducible in Notepad++ 7.5.4 and even in 7.5.1.