TwoDark Theme
Hey all, long time NPP user, but first post here, so be nice… :)
I’m not sure if there is a better forum to post this, but I created a new Notepad++ theme called “TwoDark”. More truthfully, I shamelessly cloned it from the ‘OneDark’ Atom theme… It covers all the languages included in Npp v7.5, the function list, search, and all that good Npp stuff.
If you like a darker theme, then this may be up your street.
Screenshot here:
… and the theme file itself is here:
There’s also a working Function List definition for Lua, and a couple of REAPER DAW language definitions (niche, I know…)
The theme may not be exactly right for every language, so if you have any suggestions for making it better, then let me know via GitHub and I will update it…
Rob. -
Such a tease! What’s that code?! :-D
Maybe that’s a way around your work agreements: “I posted what my new theme looked like; the code just happened to be there!”
:-D, nice idea, so I post the pull request as pictures LOL…
Not sure if Don and the other code contributers/maintainers would
love this idea as well.It is just one of the examples/tests I write for the PS 64bit port.