Notepad++ 7.5.7 release
Ever since I installed the update I cannot replace ellipses with … For some reason this causes my file to go haywire. If I try to change three full stops (rather than an ellipse) to … the whole file just becomes …
Never had this problem before so will be downgrading. -
Hello, @helen-smith,
If you don’t mind, some questions, first :
What was your previous N++ version ? I suppose that your downloaded one is the latest (
) ? -
Probably, when mentioning ellipses, you’re speaking about the horizontal ellipsis ( of Unicode value
). Refer below :
- Could you provide the Debug Info information ( Menu
? > Debug Info...
( BTW, it’s funny to see that, in all software, a sub-dialog/window is, generally, announced with 3 dots as, for instance,
File > Print...
instead of the syntaxFile > Print…
! )-
Which is the current encoding of the file, where you want to replace ellipses with usual dots ? ( Have a look to the right part of the status bar, downwards )
Is the ellipsis character correctly displayed or do you see a white or black square or a question mark, meaning that you current font cannot display its glyph, properly ?
Why do you need to do such search/replacement ?
See you later,
Best Regards,
I presume my previous version was v7.5.6? I don’t take much notice tbh. I only know that after producing files for 4 e-books suddenly this time I was unable to do what I have done before. The only difference being that I installed the new version before I started. I have now downloaded the previous version and hope that solves the problem.
Yes, I did mean horizontal ellipsis.
Sorry, I have already changed versions so would not be able to provide debug info. Had I known about that I would have done it first. As for why I need to do it, I am converting a word file book into the html file needed for a stable e-book that will convert into any format and still look the way I want it to. (conversion programmes always create problems) I could not find a ‘convert selection to entities’ option, so have been doing it all by search and replace.
As you have probably guessed, I am not very experienced with Notepad++ or html. -
@guy038 I presume my previous version was v7.5.6? I don’t take much notice tbh. I only know that after producing files for 4 e-books suddenly this time I was unable to do what I have done before. The only difference being that I installed the new version before I started. I have now downloaded the previous version and hope that solves the problem.
Yes, I did mean horizontal ellipsis.
Sorry, I have already changed versions so would not be able to provide debug info. Had I known about that I would have done it first. As for why I need to do it, I am converting a word file book into the html file needed for a stable e-book that will convert into any format and still look the way I want it to. (conversion programmes always create problems) I could not find a ‘convert selection to entities’ option, so have been doing it all by search and replace.
As you have probably guessed, I am not very experienced with Notepad++ or html. -
Hello, @helen-smith, and All,
OK, Helen. Some of my questions don’t have an answer, yet, but I understood that you would like to use the HTML entities !
The Horizontal Ellipsis, of Unicode value
, can be written as an HTML entity, with these3
syntaxes :…
( Decimal value ) or…
( Hexadecimal value )
So, here are, below, some regex S/R, in order to change any Horizontal Ellipsis into its appropriate HTML entity :
Open the Replace dialog (
Ctrl + H
) -
Select the
Regular expression
search mode ( IMPORTANT ) -
Tick the
Wrap around
option -
In the Find what: zone, type in
( The ellipsis itself ! ) -
In the Replace with: zone, type in
Click on the
Replace All
=> Every occurrence of the horizontal ellipsis character will be changed into its HTML entity
Note : The different HTML entities of characters, with Unicode value between
, can be found from that link :
Now, you could be interested by the HTMLTag N++ plugin, which can encode character to its appropriate HTML entity and vice-versa ! So :
- Downloaded the
archive from the link below : plugin v1.0.0
Close Notepad++
Extract the contents of the archive in the
folder of your configuration -
Restart Notepad++
Now, use the menu option
Plugins > HTML Tag > Encode entities
, or theCtrl + E
shortcut, to change the selected…
And use the menu option
Plugins > HTML Tag > Decode entities
, or theCtrl + Shift + E
shortcut, to change the selected…
HTML entity into the Horizontal Ellipsis…
Best Regards,
P.S. :
In case your text contains three consecutive full stop (
) as an approximation of the Horizontal ellipsis character, you can search then :-
Regular expression
search mode , with the syntaxes\.\.\.
search mode , with the simple syntax...
@guy038 Many thanks for that I will try the plugin next time as I have now sorted my file after re-installing v7.5.6
The way you describe searching for the ellipses and replacing all with … is exactly what I had been doing but in v7.5.7 it just scrambled my file or replaced every character with … if I searched for three dots (in case any had not successfully converted to ellipses in the original word file)
As for the other questions, sorry, I answered in a rush and missed them.
I cannot tell you the current encoding of the file as I deleted it the other day (though I am not really sure what you mean anyway)
The ellipsis characters were correctly displayed before I tried to change them to … I did not see any white or black squares or question marks.
Now I have gone back to 7.5.6 everything has worked properly. The ellipses and all other entities converted properly with no problems at all so I can only assume it is a bug in v7.5.7
Thanks for taking the time to answer and letting me know about the plugin. Hopefully, that will make preparing my e-books much quicker and more reliable.
As -
Longtime fan - first-time bug report.
**I noticed the Find feature isn’t working. See the linked image below. **I searched for a word the normal way, no luck.
Then I tried selecting all the text and finding the word, no luck again.
The find on the Replace tab doesn’t work.
The new find » button doesn’t work either.
The count button works
The Find All in Current Document worksI use this feature a lot in Notepad++.
For now, I’ll roll back to an earlier version.When I encounter the simple done well, I pause - reflect and say, thank you.
So, thank you again, for your ongoing efforts to make such an amazing text editor.with a handshake,
Joe -
It all works fine for me. Can’t really tell what you are doing exactly, though, in order to comment further.
…EXCEPT for this case, because you have the screenshot of that one:
Then I tried selecting all the text and finding the word, no luck again.
What is going on in this case is that the search is starting right AFTER the lower end of the selection. And since you are searching in the forward-direction (Backward direction not ticked) and you aren’t wrapping the search at end-of-file (Wrap around not ticked), the expected result is no hit for your search–by doing a select-all before the search you basically gave it no range to search!
You can verify this by making the following selection and conducting the same search, and observing that it will “hit” on the
on line 11 (bullet point 9 in the change.log): -
Hello, @scott-sumner and All,
Ah, Scott, I’ve never noticed this interesting point, indeed ! So, again, a new rule to remember :
When, both, the
Backwark direction
and theWrap around
options are unset in the Find or Replace dialog AND if a “Select-all” operation (Ctrl + A
) has been done, any search is irrelevant, as there is no search range at all !!
Not related with this post but I noticed, when doing tests in the Mark panel, that the
In selection
option is available. So, we may highlight/bookmark a subset of the current file, only, and navigate between all the matches, of this subset, with theCtrl + 0
andCtrl + Shift + 0
shortcuts ;-))Best Regards,
I think you’re putting too many conditions on the “new rule”. It is certainly true the way you stated it, but…
Here’s how it works when a selection is active: Find will start at the highest position of the main selection (there could be more than one selection in the case of “Multi-Editing” being enabled)–and we’re not talking rectangular selections right now) and will start looking beyond that position (forward-direction search) or behind that position (backward-direction search) when Find-Next is pressed. In the case of a rectangular selection, it doesn’t necessarily use the main selection–the selection of the line the caret is on–but rather uses the highest position of all of the selections. (I should add that in a rectangular selection, there are actually
selections, one for each ofn
lines making up the rectangle.)In the specific case of a select-all having been done previously, for a forward, non-wrapping search, there is indeed no range to search, so it is impossible to find a match for anything (of non-zero length…adding that qualifier for the regex gurus…).
Note: “position” may be a term that is exposed more by Scintilla / Pythonscript – it may not generally be known to Notepad++ users…but it can be thought of as the index into the buffer of the individual characters…the first character is at position 0, the 2nd at 1, etc.
in the Mark panel, …the In-selection option is available. So, we may highlight…a subset of the current file…and navigate between all the matches of this subset with … Ctrl+0 and Ctrl+Shift+0
As @Claudia-Frank pointed out (can’t find the thread right now), this is the best Notepad++ can currently do for a glaringly missing “Find All in Selection” feature. But I don’t think she brought up navigating those matches with the keycombos, so to that I say “Nice one!”
@Wouter-van-Reek said:
Hi there,
Thanks for Notepad++ and for the new version.
This seems to be a new bug:
In 7.5.7 when I open .js files the function list does not work (stays empty). In 7.5.6 the problem does not occur.Thank you,
WouterI just notice the same “bug” too. The function list for .js file is empty. (i just update to 7.5.7)
@Serge-Arseneault said:
I just notice the same “bug” too. The function list for .js file is empty. (i just update to 7.5.7)
It does work for me (v7.5.7, 32 bits). Could you provide your js file?
@Wouter-van-Reek said:
In 7.5.7 when I open .js files the function list does not work (stays empty). In 7.5.6 the problem does not occur.
Could you provide more detail (the js file, for example) please?
I cannot reproduce it. -
@Serge-Arseneault & @Wouter-van-Reek
OK, I guess I figur out your problem:
is the old one which doesn’t match anymore to the new binary.In order to remedy your problem, you need:
- Installer the new version
- Close Notepad++
- Remove
- Relaunch Notepad++, and launch Function list
Notepad++ will copy a new
from your Notepad++ installation location to%appdata%\notepad++\
, and new copiedfunctionList.xml
is matched to the new version of binary.Please let me know if it does work for you.
I don’t know if this is a new feature (I don’t find mention anywhere) or regression, but in Open File dialog, when I digit “<some text>*”, all files that start with “<some text>” will be open, before I get a filter applied to files in the current folder.
Can’t tell for sure what you mean, but maybe try changing the Use new style save dialog… setting to its opposite state in Settings (menu) -> Preferences… -> Default Directory (box on left).
@donho Yes, this fixes the problem, thanks!
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