User defined language for customs logs
I’m wondering what is the best way to format the text of a custom log file (generated by my application) that look like this (comma-separated: Date;Time;Type (DEBUG, COMMAND, INFO, ERROR, etc…);Message):2018-10-14;23:44:20;DEBUG;printing 218 lines
2018-10-14;23:44:20;DEBUG;printing 199 lines
2018-10-14;23:44:20;DEBUG;printing 177 lines
2018-10-14;23:44:20;DEBUG;printing 155 lines
2018-10-14;23:44:20;DEBUG;printing 132 lines
2018-10-14;23:44:20;COMMAND;w:1b7608r:6e00My intention is to colored each line according with the log type (DEBUG, COMMAND, INFO, …).
I appreciated any suggestions.
Lao Hu
PS: BTW, I think the editor is wonderful!
Hello @Lao-Hu
I don’t use UDL myself but there is documentation for defining a custom UDL for Notepad++.
would be a good location to start with.
There are also several posts related to UDL. You could do a search (use the magnifying icon at top of the page, near centre), to locate them for additional reading.Terry
Hi Terry,
Thanks for taking time to reply and give the suggestions.
The documentation was very useful. I got pretty good results.
I’m still playing around the configuration. Perhaps, I will change the log format to be notepad friendly.
Lao Hu