Support for Plugins Admin & NppPluginList
All the support request, bug report & feature request for Plugins Admin & NppPluginList go here.
The plugin list files pl.x86.json and pl.x64.json should be UTF-8 BOM encoded.
For testing purposes I’ve included manually data for the HTML Tag plugin using Notepad++. In status bar the encoding indicator showed ANSI. After restarting Npp Plugin Admin’s plugin list was completely empty (all three tabs).
I was able to track down this error to the fact that the new entry of the HTML Tag plugin containes two
characters. After converting plugin list files to UTF-8 BOM encoding (UTF-8 also works) Plugin Admin showed all plugins again. But I noticed that in the plugin description of the HTML Tag plugin theé
characters are displayed wrong. The output isé
. -
The plugin list files pl.x86.json and pl.x64.json should be UTF-8 BOM encoded.
OK for UTF-8 encoded, but with BOM is not necessary.
Done by @chcg : -
@donho said:
OK for UTF-8 encoded, but with BOM is not necessary.
I don’t think so. I’ve already elaborated about this in this comment .
When other plugin authors edit the file(s) they will presumably do it with Notepad++ and it is not sure that all plugin devs have set their standard document encoding to UTF-8, it also may be ANSI (like in my case).
If the encoding of the plugin list files is UTF-8 it depends on the presence of characters which require UTF-8 encoding (e.g.
) if Npp’s automatic encoding detection will set the encoding of the opened file to UTF-8.Additionally I guess that the automatic encoding detection doesn’t inspect a whole file but only some bytes from the beginning. If the characters which require UTF-8 encoding are too far away from the start of the file (the files will grow over times due to newly added plugins) the correct encoding detection may fail.
These are two reasons why I think it is dangerous to use merely UTF-8 - accidentally the files could be commited with a wrong encoding. Changing the encoding to UTF-8 BOM would securely prevent that.
Alternatively it would be OK if Plugin Admin’s plugin list would accept ANSI encoded files which is not the case currently.
I requested Plugin Admin to install 3 plugins at the same time. Notepad++ was closed (after confirmation) and nothing happend for about to 1 minute. I guess the download of one or all plugins took a long time due to slow responding servers. In Taskmanager I saw a running GUP.exe process during this time.
There should be some feedback (progress bar) for the user during plugin installation, otherwise users could assume that something went wrong. Maybe they even start Notepad++ manually during plugin installation and mess up things.
@donho ,
Hi Don,
I commented on 7.6 release thread, just posting the link here for completeness:
File nppPluginList.dll is stored in a folder in the user profile of the user who has installed/updated Npp. Thus other users on the same computer have no plugin list.
Also just for completeness, see
Not sure if this is the right place to post it, but i’ll give it a try. If it’s in the wrong place can someone move this post?
I just installed the v7.6 update from the downloads-page (7z package). I saw the new version because I am subscribed to the RSS feed. I read the download page and the ‘plugin-admin.html’ page, but unfortunately not the ‘news’ page. So I missed the information about the new plugin structure. Therefore, I was surprised that when starting the new Notepad++ version, all my own installed plugins where gone (43 in total, so it’s noticable ;-) ). A notice when opening the new Notepad++ version when there are still non-default plugins in the ‘old’ plugin folder would be nice :)
However, I migration of the plugins folder to the new situation is unfortunately not working for me. I am using a ‘portable’ package of Notepad++, so it’s not installed using the installer. I use the 7z package from the website, and extract it in my OneDrive folder. When there is an update of Notepad++, I just overwrite the files with the new files from the 7z package. I use it this way so I can use the exact same version, configuration and plugins on multiple systems that are all synced by OneDrive. Unfortunately, this way of working doesn’t seem to be supported in this new Notepad++ version, is that correct? As this new version seems to create a situation where I have to maintain multiple installations on all these systems, I just reverted to v7.5.9. Is there any way to let Notepad++ use the /plugins/ folder for it’s plugins?
@bmg-ruudv said:
I use the 7z package from the website, and extract it in my OneDrive folder. When there is an update of Notepad++, I just overwrite the files with the new files from the 7z package. I use it this way so I can use the exact same version, configuration and plugins on multiple systems that are all synced by OneDrive. Unfortunately, this way of working doesn’t seem to be supported in this new Notepad++ version, is that correct? As this new version seems to create a situation where I have to maintain multiple installations on all these systems, I just reverted to v7.5.9. Is there any way to let Notepad++ use the /plugins/ folder for it’s plugins?
I’m in the same boat as @bmg-ruudv, though with Dropbox, not OneDrive. Would appreciate any advice on what to do if one uses the portable version. Luckily, I didn’t overwrite my Dropbox version. Was testing out 7.6 in its own folder, but I can’t find how to access this Plugins Admin I see mentioned a lot. Nor are any of my non-default plugins working.
I have a 64 bit computer running the 32 bit version. I’m behind a firewall and use a proxy server with ID/Pwd (proxy settings are stored in Internet Options). WinGup appears to be failing. When I attempt to install, N++ closes and I see that WinGup is running. After a minute or so, WinGup ends and N++ restarts. But the selected plugin is not installed. Worse, if I try to update an existing plugin, it is uninstalled.
@David-Brigden52, I observed the same thing. GUP always removes the plugin before downloading new one. If update is aborted due to any reason e.g. network not available or disconnected in between or downloading is not possible in restricted environment due to https or plugin extraction fails, then you can bring your original plugin from recycle bin. Right click on the required plugin and restore it.
@donho , The above GUP behavior really needs some changes. I feel, plugin should be extracted somewhere in temp and then it should be copied to original destination (either overwrite or delete first then copy. So that in case of any failure as described above, user will not lose existing plugin.
How to manage if I use 32bit and 64bit parallel?
Up to now I had seperate Folders for 32bit and 64bit Plugins (%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Notepad++\plugins\myAwesomePlugin.dll and %PROGRAMFILES%\Notepad++\plugins\myAwesomePlugin.dll), but with the workaround from Homepage all plugIns are copied to 1 Folder (%LOCALAPPDATA%\Notepad++\plugins\ to create myAwesomePlugin ), that makes Problems with the different Versions. -
Here already is an ongoing discussion concerning this topic.
@Sven-Groß , @dinkumoil ,
It might be a bit off-topic but why would you need to have both 32 and 64 bit versions simultaneously?
Why would Notepad++ be built to support it, what is the justification? Do you have other programs co-existing in 32 and 64-bit version on the same computer? -
@pnedev said:
why would you need to have both 32 and 64 bit versions simultaneously?
The simplest answer might be:
- 32-bit for can’t-live-without-plugins that haven’t/won’t make the jump to 64-bit
- 64-bit for larger file capacity
Even better answers might be:
- experimentation / tinkering
- reported bug verification/reproduction in each
- because someone wants to
Regardless, it seems that with a “portable” install of each, one should be allowed to have both and they should be completely independent (sort of implies doLocalConf.xml file is present in each).
Thank you for explaining @Scott-Sumner but still that is not good enough reason for me.
Anyway, it’s just a personal opinion and I understand that the less restrictions there are the happier the advanced user.
All depends on how difficult that would be to implement. -
@pnedev said:
All depends on how difficult that would be to implement.
Two directories named x86 and x64 in the plugin folder should be sufficient, not so much effort. To support the supporters here in the forum it would be a nice gesture. They will have a lot of work in the next time with users who appear here in the forum and the issue tracker because they are running into problems after updating to Npp v7.6. If you look around you can see it already.
@dinkumoil said:
Two directories named x86 and x64 in the plugin folder should be sufficient, not so much effort.
OK, and what about the plugins having to guess the path of their companion libraries?
Now we have the new Notepad++ message to get the plugins location BUT it has to be made version-specific (32 or 64 bit), correct?So in one case the message should return
and in the other
.@donho ,
All this change of plugins residence is becoming very complicated and all Notepad++ files are getting scattered across various places making things confusing. At least that’s my impression. Is it really necessary?
@pnedev said:
Now we have the new Notepad++ message to get the plugins location BUT it has to be made version-specific
You are right. My first suggestion concerning this message was to return the complete path to the plugin DLL file. But Don liked it to be more simple, thus I accepted his regarding suggestion. Now I have to admit that it was wrong to give up discussing about this point so soon.