Notepad++ 7.6.1
you have already got answer 7.6.1 and download new setup from -
@gurikbal-singh said:
you have already got answer 7.6.1 and download new setup from
https://notepad-plus-plus.orgSorry, I completely missed that reply. That worked. I have no idea how I missed that reply o.O
Thanks @donho @gurikbal-singh @Eko-palypse
@Jan-Černosta said:
Since version 7.6, the ANSI code page is sometimes incorrectly detected. A file containing text “CHRÁNĚNÉ”, encoded in ANSI (Windows with the Czech Republic region selected, i.e. the Windows 1250 code page), is opened as “CHRÁNÌNÉ” (in both versions 7.6 and 7.6.1) with the automatically selected code page ISO 8859-3.
Apparently the latest version of component uchardet doesn’t contain the fix of the regression:’ll include this fix - could you test and validate the fix?
I am using
as proxy and it worked with Notepad++ versions before 7.6 without problems for years.
After updating from x32 version to 7.6.1 (x64) i get the following error:--------------------------- curl error --------------------------- Unsupported proxy '', libcurl is built without the HTTPS-proxy support. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
Notepad++ v7.6.1 (64-bit) Build time : Dec 12 2018 - 01:22:05 Path : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe Admin mode : OFF Local Conf mode : OFF OS : Windows 7 (64-bit) Plugins : DSpellCheck.dll mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll
Sorry, because of the restrictions here i was not allowed to edit my post and i had to wait to add another one.
I finally found a corresponding issue on github for the curl https proxy problem: tried to update the DSpellCheck plugin, but it did not update. It stays the same version after Notepad++ restarts.
Since i guess that it has something to do with the proxy i tried to search for a Notepad++ update to check if it works there and received the curl https error message. -
I read your comment in the issue tracker and saw that you not only were able to solve your problem in the one or the other way but you were able to track down the error to its cause - something we see not often, unfortunately. Thumbs up!
Warning - Plugin Manager by Bruderstein is totally broken with the new 7.6.1 release of Notepad++ because now plugins are found in %PROGRAMDATA% (C:\ProgramData\Notepad++\plugins)
Make sure you use the Plugins Admin… and remove Plugin Manager until it is fixed. -
@donho said:
@Jan-Černosta said:
Since version 7.6, the ANSI code page is sometimes incorrectly detected. A file containing text “CHRÁNĚNÉ”, encoded in ANSI (Windows with the Czech Republic region selected, i.e. the Windows 1250 code page), is opened as “CHRÁNÌNÉ” (in both versions 7.6 and 7.6.1) with the automatically selected code page ISO 8859-3.
Apparently the latest version of component uchardet doesn’t contain the fix of the regression:’ll include this fix - could you test and validate the fix?
@KantorZsolt @Peter-Jones
Due to wingup has the retro-compatible issue with XP since its beginning, Plugins Admin will be disabled under XP. Sorry for that. -
@dinkumoil said:
Regarding APIs directory: As far as I know there are plugins wich are indeed lexers for a certain language. I actually found the WLangLexer which is part of the plugin list of old Plugin Manager. This plugin requests during its installation to copy an XML file to plugins\APIs.
I don’t use lexer plugins, thus I don’t know anything about them. But I think further investigations have to be done before making a decision regarding plugins and plugins\APIs directories.
Got your point, I’ll see what can I do for it.
@donho said:
Plugins Admin will be disabled under XP. Sorry for that.
no problem to drop xp … but i’d really like to hear @guy038 screaming “nooooooooo” ;-)
btw: thanks for today’s %PROGRAMDATA%\Notepad++\plugins permission commit
thanks again for testing everything, even the stuff you don’t use yourself.regarding your suggestion at git to use %ProgramData%\Notepad++\autoCompletion instead of $INSTDIR\autoCompletion:
as those 3 plugins have to be rewritten anyways due to the path changes, is there any specific reason to use %programdata% instead of $instdir ?
as far as i can see the compatibility of those plugins will be broken anyways, regardless of using %programdata% or $instdir.
and the plugin authors can always put their own lexer files in their own plugins sub folder and use them from there.@donho what’s your thought about that or prefered location ?
i think if those plugins that use lexer apis have to be rewritten anyways, they could just use the official autoCompletion as it is now, inside $INSTDIR\autoCompletion for read only, and use their own additional r/w lexer data files within %programdata%\plugins\theirplugin. -
@donho @Meta-Chuh said:
is there any specific reason to use %programdata% instead of $instdir ?
I thought of Notepad++ to be compatible with the UWP app requirements which means that the installations directory has to be immutable.
As far as I know the former APIs directory contains the autocompletion files for different languages. Maybe it is important that these files are stored at this location to ensure that Notepad++ uses them. So it would be the best to allow plugins to store files in this directory which means its location can not be in the installation directory.
Hi, @Meta-chuh,
Please, don’t think that I’m worried about @don-ho’s decision for not handling, anymore, the
Plugin Admin
, in Win XP configurations ;-)) Indeed, as I’m always using portable versions of Notepad++, I’ve never had , up to now, any problem for installing any plugin, by myself, either for daily use or for testing.Even, in precedent N++ versions, when the old Plugin Manager was active and proposed me some updates, I always preferred to answer No, then, look at the author’s sites for the later release and extract all zip contents to my current N++ installation !
Moreover, as I usually keep several N++ versions, at a time, on my [ Win XP ] laptop, if no plugin’s update comes out, I simply duplicate all the structure of the plugins, from an old N++ location, to the new
location of my latest N++ installation, including possible configuration files (.ini
)Doing so, it helps me to better memorize all the structure of my current
and how these different plugins work ;-))
Of course, since the
version of N++, we just had to remember that, for a manual installation of a plugin, for instance,MyAwesomePlugin.dll
, we must :-
First, create a
sub-folder, inside the"$InstallDir"\plugins
directory -
Place all the plugin’s files as well as
in the sub-folder"$InstallDir"\plugins\MyAwesomePlugin
Best regards,
After installing 7.6.1 (dont sure which version was before) - Search window does not close on ‘esc’ key
please ignore this, local conflict with other soft
@donho said:
@KantorZsolt @Peter-Jones
Due to wingup has the retro-compatible issue with XP since its beginning, Plugins Admin will be disabled under XP. Sorry for that.Ooooh, nooo! I have an old laptop, I’m stuck to XP. If you make me angry I will make a fork to Notepad++
( just joking :) )Anyway Notepad++ is a great editor.
Having an annoying issue - If I collapse any part of an html file and try to scroll horizontally I constantly get a popup with a title of Exception and a message of “vector<T> too long” Has this been reported before?
Any progress in choosing proper codepage ANSI?
Thanks, Jan -
P PeterJones locked this topic on