Wanted: 7-zip API Guru
I have created a Gist with a small demo program written in C++ (actually it’s very C-ish ;-) ). It uses the Windows Explorer OLE automation object for unzipping. It mimics the following VBScript code:
With CreateObject("Shell.Application") .Namespace("E:\Dst").CopyHere .Namespace("E:\Src\AZipFile.zip").Items, &H0614 Do Until .Namespace("E:\Dst").Items.Count = .Namespace("E:\Src\AZipFile.zip").Items.Count WScript.Sleep 500 Loop End With
It’s 300 lines of code, comments and whitepace. I bet if you use 7Zip it will be not much less.
Please also read the comment under the Gist.
Forgot to mention: The above script and, of course, the program from my Gist can extract recursively the whole content of a ZIP file, including all subfolders.
@donho See https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/wingup/tree/master/src/ZipLib/extlibs/lzma. 7z is already there, but don’t know if this issues observed with ziplib are caused by the ziplib itself or the usage of it. At least the part from https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/wingup/pull/8 I would see as user issue or as missing feature to unzip the complete content of a zip file by just one api call.
As already said at github I would avoid switching the file format from zip to 7z only without a real functional gain apart from some less Kbytes nowadays with high bandwidth internet access. -
I believe the unzip bug in WinGup has been fixed (no more zero length unzipped file) :
https://notepad-plus-plus.org/temp/GUP_new.zipCould you confirm me if it’s fixed?
Unfortunately your last fix of Gup.exe didn’t help. Now we have other bugs. See the results of my test.
Your latest fix did it! Thank you and happy holidays.