Help, i cant always find Id or Name in inspect elements.
Okay so…
This might sound abit “dumb” to you but i am currently working on a bot
But when i need it to examble press a button in the browser ive been teached
that i need the id or name. Let me give you a exambleset webbrowser = createobject(“internetexplorer.application”)
webbrowser.statusbar = false
webbrowser.menubar = false
webbrowser.toolbar = false
webbrowser.visible = truewebbrowser.navigate(“Link to bot start point”)
webbrowser.document.all.item(“And its here i cant always get the ID or name”)
What can i do when this happends ?.
Why do you persist in asking non-Notepad++ related questions here??
@eko-palypse pointed you to in your first thread ( – that FAQ explains why the questions you have been asking are not appropriate for this forum.
@Alan-Kilborn tried to dissuade you from asking not-related-to-Notepad++ questions in your second thread ( And now he’s been more explicit about it again in this thread.
Maybe you just haven’t gotten the hint, or read the FAQ, but you have asked your question in the wrong place. This forum is for questions related to Notepad++. If you are unsure why, read that FAQ for the reasons, but, in short: The questions you have been asking have been editor-agnostic – the answer would be the same if you were editing your text with Notepad++, notepad.exe, vi, emacs, sed, a typewriter, or on paper – and editor-agnostic questions do not belong in a specific-editor forum.
If you have a question about how to use the specific features of Notepad++ for a specific task, ask away, and we will gladly help. If Notepad++ does not behave the way you expect, feel free to ask for help. If you have questions about automating Notepad++ through a script, we can point you to PythonScript or LuaScript or JavaScript for Notepad++ – all of which are plugins for Notepad++ that have access to the guts of Notepad++, and will automate manipulating the files and GUI of Notepad++ from inside Notepad++ itself.
But please stop spamming these forums with questions not related to Notepad++.
some people need a third person’s voice to start to listen 👍 ;-)@Christian-Tanghus
with a count of only 3 posts, you aren’t really spamming yet,
but please, be kind to us, respect what the community regulars told you, respond to previous answers before you post a new question … and only ask notepad++ related questions will find more suitable answers to your questions at stack overflow, which is the perfect community for all coding related questions.