UDL: Suffix Mode
First the script
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from Npp import editor, editor1, editor2, notepad, NOTIFICATION, SCINTILLANOTIFICATION, INDICATORSTYLE import ctypes import ctypes.wintypes as wintypes from collections import OrderedDict try: EnhanceUDLLexer().main() except NameError: user32 = wintypes.WinDLL('user32') WM_USER = 1024 NPPMSG = WM_USER+1000 NPPM_GETLANGUAGEDESC = NPPMSG+84 class SingletonEnhanceUDLLexer(type): _instance = None def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super(SingletonEnhanceUDLLexer, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instance class EnhanceUDLLexer(object): __metaclass__ = SingletonEnhanceUDLLexer @staticmethod def rgb(r,g,b): return (b << 16) + (g << 8) + r @staticmethod def paint_it(color, pos, length): if pos >= 0: editor.setIndicatorCurrent(0) editor.setIndicatorValue(color) editor.indicatorFillRange(pos, length) def style(self): start_line = editor.getFirstVisibleLine() end_line = start_line + editor.linesOnScreen() start_position = editor.positionFromLine(start_line) end_position = editor.getLineEndPosition(end_line) editor.setIndicatorCurrent(0) editor.indicatorClearRange(0, editor.getTextLength()) for color, regex in self.regexes.items(): editor.research(regex[0], lambda m: self.paint_it(color[1], m.span(regex[1])[0], m.span(regex[1])[1] - m.span(regex[1])[0]), 0, start_position, end_position) def configure(self): SC_INDICVALUEBIT = 0x1000000 SC_INDICFLAG_VALUEFORE = 1 # editor.indicSetFore(0, (181, 188, 201)) editor1.indicSetStyle(0, INDICATORSTYLE.TEXTFORE) editor1.indicSetFlags(0, SC_INDICFLAG_VALUEFORE) editor2.indicSetStyle(0, INDICATORSTYLE.TEXTFORE) editor2.indicSetFlags(0, SC_INDICFLAG_VALUEFORE) self.regexes = OrderedDict() # configuration area # self.regexes is a dictionary, basically a key=value list # the key is tuple starting with an increasing number and # the color which should be used, ored with SC_INDICVALUEBIT # the value is a raw bytestring which is the regex whose # matches get styled with the previously defined color # # using OrderedDict ensures that the regex will be # always executed in the same order. # This might matter if more than one regex is used. self.regexes[(0, self.rgb(79, 175, 239) | SC_INDICVALUEBIT)] = (r'fn[A-Za-z0-9_]+?\$|([A-Za-z0-9_]+?\$)', 1) # defining the lexer_name ensures that # only this type of document get styled # should be the same name as displayed in first field of statusbar self.lexer_name = 'User Defined language file - BR! Source' def get_lexer_name(self): ''' returns the text which is shown in the first field of the statusbar ''' language = notepad.getLangType() length = user32.SendMessageW(self.npp_hwnd, NPPM_GETLANGUAGEDESC, language, None) buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(u' '*length) user32.SendMessageW(self.npp_hwnd, NPPM_GETLANGUAGEDESC, language, ctypes.byref(buffer)) # print buffer.value # uncomment if unsure how the lexername in configure should look like - npp restart needed return buffer.value def __init__(self): editor.callbackSync(self.on_updateui, [SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.UPDATEUI]) notepad.callback(self.on_langchanged, [NOTIFICATION.LANGCHANGED]) notepad.callback(self.on_bufferactivated, [NOTIFICATION.BUFFERACTIVATED]) self.__is_lexer_doc = False self.lexer_name = None self.npp_hwnd = user32.FindWindowW(u'Notepad++', None) self.configure() def set_lexer_doc(self, bool_value): editor.setProperty(self.__class__.__name__, 1 if bool_value is True else -1) self.__is_lexer_doc = bool_value def on_bufferactivated(self, args): if (self.get_lexer_name() == self.lexer_name) and (editor.getPropertyInt(self.__class__.__name__) != -1): self.__is_lexer_doc = True else: self.__is_lexer_doc = False def on_updateui(self, args): if self.__is_lexer_doc: self.style() def on_langchanged(self, args): self.set_lexer_doc(True if self.get_lexer_name() == self.lexer_name else False) def main(self): self.set_lexer_doc(True) self.style() EnhanceUDLLexer().main()
Do the following
copy the script
goto Plugins->Python Script->New Script
give it a meaningful name and press save button
paste the script into the newly ceated document
save it
open one of your BR! Source files
click on Plugins->Python Script->Scripts->NAME_OF_THE_NEWLY_CREATED_PYTHONSCRIPT
If you want to know the details, let me know.
btw, when it works like you want and want it to be available automatically
on every npp startup we need to create a USER startup.py but
I guess this can be discussed it the script is useful to you at all -
Thanks for putting the time into this!
First, will this work on 64 bit N++?
I had some trouble finding a version of Python Script that was compatible but I managed to find a beta version.
also, I’m getting this error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\mmiller\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts\create_strings.py”, line 4, in <module>
import ctypes
File “C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\PythonScript\lib\ctypes_init_.py”, line 7, in <module>
from _ctypes import Union, Structure, Array
ImportError: No module named _ctypes -
Yes, as I’m using x64 version as well.
Where did you download pythonscript plugin from?
Why didn’t you use Plugin Manager?
The official release channel for python script plugin is here. -
I don’t have plugin manager so I went through http://docs.notepad-plus-plus.org/index.php?title=Plugin_Central .
Thanks for dealing with my idiocy. Going through plugin manager worked perfectly. Is there any way I can donate for your time?
Is there any way I can donate for your time?
yes, we urgently need 5 macbook pro’s. 👍
thanks in advance. 😂 -
Thank you very much for asking and yes there is one thing
you could do if you like :-)
It might sound strange but if you have or know a cooking recipe
which is worth testing - I would appreciate.
I know tastes are different so … :-) -
REALLY - macbooks … NOWADAYS … :-D
I will get you a recipe when I get home from work. :-)
The macbooks will take some time. :-D
https://imgur.com/a/GWRaqec @Eko-palypse here’s my favorite recipe for muffins. :-D
Thanks again for your help.
I also realized afterwards that there are a few internal functions that end with $ and don’t start with fn but I just modified the regex to take care of them.
thank you thank you very much - very much appreciated - I LOVE MUFFINS (who doesn’t ?)
And also nice to see that you already made the script do what you want.
Have a nice day. -
Much better to have an actual recipe than simply all the talk of “baking cookies” that goes on around here sometimes!
Help, I need somebody help I need somebody heeeelllppp :-D
yesterday … all my troubles seemed so far away :-D
I see the Beatles song lyrics references, but I’m unsure why Eko started it??
I found a little bug in the script.
The area which needs to be styled is wrongly calculated if there are folded parts within this area.
Please replace, within the style function, this line
end_line = start_line + editor.linesOnScreen()
with that line
end_line = editor.docLineFromVisible(start_line + editor.linesOnScreen())
@Alan-Kilborn said:
I see the Beatles song lyrics references, but I’m unsure why Eko started it??
because this was the first thing which came into my mind after reading your comment about Scott-Sumner’s baking cookie comments :-D
Hello, @michael-miller31, @eko-palypse, @alan-kilborn, @meta-chuh and All,
Eko, I’ve just tried your python script and it works fine :-))
I was a bit intrigued by your regex and I wanted to test other syntaxes. But after a while, I understood that your just take care of group 1 and dismiss the solution
Don’t you ?I tested this other solution
, with success ! Of course, we could get rid of the group 1 but I suppose that your script should be slightly modified !
Secondly, I tried to build, from the michael’s picture and text, an equivalent UDL, what I named… EKO and after some tests I was surprised because, although I just missed to update the UDL name, in your script, as below :
self.lexer_name = 'User Defined language file - EKO'
Seemingly, it does not care about it ?! ( Just a comment : my BR Basic test file has no extension and I didn’t associate the EKO UDL to a specific extension )
thanks for testing and sharing an alternative regex.
Concerning the script, if you just run the script it will flag the current
document being of interest.
If you would open multiple UDL documents and switch between them,
then you should see that those documents work only if the UDL name
is the one configured in the script.