Notepad++ 7.7 Release Candidate (v3)
the new scintilla version it might affect multiple other plugins too, so are 4, well now maybe only 2, days enough to let the plugin developers see, if they need to fix there code as well?
we believe a notepad++ 7.7. release to the public is the only thing that will help to push plugin developers to adapt their plugins to scintilla 4.1.4, if necessary.
it is more likely, that plugin developers are able to find issues and adapt their plugins, with the help of users who are already using 7.7, instead of having a longer, often unused, test period.Should this mean, that only plugins, which are known to the nppPluginList, can be used and no one can use there own plugins, which aren’t known to nppPluginList, anymore?
no, you can still install any plugins manually.
it just means, that plugin list 1.0.9 is frozen for release, so there will be no time to remove plugins that have issues, prior to release.
this is just a preventative information, as we did not and will not test, if all currently listed plugins work without issues.many thanks for your help and best regards.
Well answered. I couldn’t reply better!@Ekopalypse
nppPluginList is not a plugin, but a plugin list in json format, wrapped as dll for the sake of code signing.
It’s supposed to be on live independently from Notepad++ release - plugins’ update should only depends on new release of nppPluginList and Notepad++ update nppPluginList as there’s a new release.
However, this part is not implemented yet. It’ll be done as soon as 7.7.X is stable. -
Replace All text, Mark All and cyrillic text in ANSI doesn’t work as expected
For the test I use the current
v7.7 RC v3
with untouched settings. There is no issues with thev7.6.6
- Replace All
- The text is replaced only after the selected line or only before if the
Backward direction
is enabled
- The text is replaced only after the selected line or only before if the
- Mark All and Bookrmark line
- The same like Replace All issue
- Cyrillic text in ANSI
- When typing in cyrillic the text is displayed as
. In my test I use the textкирилица
- When typing in cyrillic the text is displayed as
Debug Info
Notepad++ v7.7 (64-bit)
Build time : May 14 2019 - 01:26:08
Path : C:\Users\Home\Downloads\npp_test\npp.7.7.bin.x64\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : ON
Local Conf mode : ON
OS : Windows 7 (64-bit)
Plugins : mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dllP.S. Sorry for the gifs, I try to use
<details><summary>Click to expand</summary>  <details>
but it doesn’t work
- Replace All
Because I reach the 180sec and can not edit the previous comment:
Replace All in All Opened Documents
works without problems -
Cyrillic has nothing to do with it. Wrap around seems to be ignored for Replace All and Mark. Since Wrap around isn’t used for Replace All in All Opened Documents, that part is irrelevant too.
Nice find, though!
Hello, @don-ho and All,
Many thanks for this new release, especially for updating Scintilla :-))
I would like to mention three bugs :
The first one is a critical bug, which happens only on N++
v7.7 RC3
, and is, probably reslated, somehow, to the newcounting in selection
feature. Because of that, theReplace All
and theMark All
actions are corrupted :-(( -
The two other are quite minor bugs and exist from a lot of releases. So, Don, keep relax regarding these ones !
To test the first critical issue, , also detected by @rddim, in his posts, above, just paste the text, below in a new tab of the new
V7.7 RC3
Line 01 Line 02 Line 03 Line 04 Line 05 Line 06 Line 07 Line 08 Line 09 Line 10 Line 11 Line 12 Line 13 Line 14 Line 15 Line 16
Move the cursor at beginning of
Line 08
Open the Replace dialog (
Ctrl + H
) -
Type in the word
in the Find what: zone -
Type in the word
in the Replace with: zone -
Select the
search mode -
Leave the options
Backward direction
,Match whole word only
andMatch case
unticked -
Tick the
Wrap around
option -
Click on the
Replace All
Expected result : the word
, should have been changed withTest
in the16
lines of that new tab ( N++7.6.6
)Present result : the word
, have been changed withTest
, ONLY in lines08
??!!Now :
Hit the
Ctrl + Z
shortcut to undo these changes -
Move, again, the cursor at beginning of
Line 08
Tick the
Backward direction
option -
Click, again, on the
Replace All
Expected result : the word
, should have been changed withTest
in the16
lines of that new tab ( N++7.6.6
)Present result : the word
, have been changed withTest
, ONLY in lines01
??!!This wrong behavior also happens when clicking on the
Mark all
buttonNormally, when the
Wrap around
option is ON, the replacement or mark actions should always start at the very beginning till the very end of the current document, independently of the state of theBackward direction
and of the present location of the cursor !So, presently, with N++
, there is an obvious work-around :- Systematically, move the cursor to the very beginning of the current document, before running a
Replace all
orMark All
- Although, you closed this second issue on GitHub, any normal selection of a character, with code-point between
, is not counted as1
char, in the status bar, if current file isANSI
encoded or has an encoding defined inEncoding > Character Sets > ... > ...
Refer to :
Luckily, when current file has an Unicode encoding (
), which tends to become more and more common, the counting of characters is quite correct ;-))
Now, a short reminder, before mentioning the second minor issue :
In the change.log of N++
, it is said :- Drag and dropping tabs is possible in multi-line tab mode.
Refer, to that purpose, on the link below :
Indeed, IF the
Settings > General > Tab bar > lock ( no drag and drop )
option is disabled, it is possible to manage the tabs according to the3
types of actions, below, when the mouse pointer is over the tabs’s zone :-
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up
moves to the previous tab ( equivalent to aCtrl + Page Up
action ) -
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Down
moves to the next tab ( equivalent to aCtrl + Page Down
action ) -
Shift + Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Up
moves to the very first tab ( No equivalent shortcut ) -
Shift + Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Down
moves to the very last tab ( No equivalent shortcut ) -
Shift + Mouse Wheel Up
moves current tab backward ( equivalent to aCtrl + Shift + Page Up
action ) -
Shift + Mouse Wheel Down
moves current tab forward ( equivalent to aCtrl + Shift + Page Down
action )
And note that, finally, these actions are effective with, both, the
Settings > General > Tab bar > Multi-line
option enabled or disabled ;-)) Of course, when the actionSettings > General > Tab bar > lock ( no drag and drop )
is disabled the"C"
actions just behave as the"A"
actions, because tabs cannot be moved ( logic ! )Now, the issue :
From the N++ version
, till the lastv7.7.0 RC3
, the two"C"
actions do not work properly, anymore. They just swap current tab with its previous one :-(( This has sometimes an incidence when dragging a tab, manually, on the same line of tabs !To compare, just try the same mouse actions on N++
, which is the last version without that issue !However, it’s important to point out that the actions
still work as expected, in multi-line mode or not :-))Best Regards
New RC which fix the Replace all and Make all regression here: -
@rddim said:
Cyrillic text in ANSI
When typing in cyrillic the text is displayed as ???. In my test I use the text кирилицаNot sure it’s a regression.
Is it the same behaviour in v7.6.6 ? -
In v7.6.6 I can type in cyrillic without problems. I also have disabled the
Autodetect character encoding
in all versions because it doesn’t show cyrillic correctly. May be @andrecool-68 can help also with some tests. -
Confirmation of this problem: -
Could you provide your debug info please? -
Notepad++ v7.7 (64-bit)
Build time : May 14 2019 - 01:26:08
Path : C:\Users\Uzeer\Desktop\npp.7.7.bin\x64\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : ON
Local Conf mode : ON
OS : Windows 7 (64-bit)
Plugins : none -
Notepad++ v7.7 (64-bit)
Build time : May 16 2019 - 02:06:44
Path : C:\Users\Uzeer\Downloads\npp.7.7.bin.x64\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : ON
Local Conf mode : ON
OS : Windows 7 (64-bit)
Plugins : noneNotepad++ v7.7 (32-bit)
Build time : May 16 2019 - 02:12:24
Path : C:\Users\Uzeer\Downloads\npp.7.7.bin\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : ON
Local Conf mode : ON
OS : Windows 7 (64-bit)
Plugins : none -
In Notepad ++ with Cyrillic problems in all versions!
Here is an example with Cyrillic in two editors.