Is there any plugin for jumping to a function definition when double click on its name?
Hi everyone,
I have used Notepad++ 7.6.6 32bit on Windows 10 as C-lang editor.
I want that: double click on a function name (any where on code), then we go to its definition.
Is there any plugin do this? If not, can some one develop once, please ? -
I think you want one of the “tagging” plugins.
Double-clicking is rather a core editing feature to select the current word, so you may not find that exact functionality.
I use TagLEET and TagsView if you want a graphical dockable thingie. TagLEET is nice though with a quick shortcut. I put a “Create Tags” shortcut in my Run menu in N++ and run that on a file in the root of my project than all tags are accessible.
@gstavi said:
TagLEET (I am its author)
Then you are the right person to ask this of: What is the “LEET” part supposed to mean?
I needed some name with TAG in it.
Taglit in hebrew (תגלית) is “Discovery”.
And LEET is associated to Elite.
So I combined them.