Go language in Notepad++
Can development team ad Go language in Notepad++ as deafult?
https://github.com/chai2010/notepadplus-go/ -
- highlights
- functionlist
- save file as .go
not 100% sure what you are talking about.
Delivering the udl you linked to together with npp, like it does with markdown language?
Or creating a builtin lexer like the ones visible in the language menu (A-Z items).If you are talking about the first, then I would assume no as long as not everything is functional (the function list isn’t correct)
and if you talk about the second then I would be surprised because this is normally scintilla territory.Btw. do you know scintillua?
It seems it has a go lexer added.
I have to admit, that I don’t know how it works as I’ve never used it but maybe you wanna give it a try.