64Bit or 32bit
I have had a few people ask 32 or 64 install…
I dont know anyone now days with 32bit windows 10, everyone is 64bit OS.Does the 64Bit Version of Notepad++ have anything to do with the OS? should the it match?
If someone was to ask for this tool what is the default suggestion be? -
A 64bit OS can run both npp versions,
whereas as a 32bit OS can only run the 32bit npp version.
In general, a 64bit application versions benefits from 64bit OS
One issue might be, that not all plugins are available for 64bit version. -
I’ve run both on Windows 10 64-bit. I migrated to exclusively use only N++ 64-bit about a year ago. It depends what plugins you want / use - not all are available on 64-bit. For me, the DBGp plugin is the only one I use(d) that I can’t get on 64-bit (32-bit only). I had an issue with MultiClipboard as well, but was introduced to Ditto on this forum and it’s way better than the MultiClipboard plugin.