• occurrence count (5 to 20 ".01.", ".02.", ... ".99.") On each line, where the string "x" or string "#" exists
• Dear Ekopalypse, good morning !. Cheers!
• I would like to deserve a friend’s help in Python code for counting occurrences on each line (text file Notepad ++ with 9,000 lines)
(from 5 to 20 strings to search on each line, where there is the string “x” or string “#” or string “~”) (.01., .02., … .99.).
• results in column 222 of each rowfrancisco bomfim francisco.bomfim@gmail.com
Anexos13:32 (há 15 minutos)
para Ekopalypse/NppPythonScripts
o texto das dezenas pode ser pego sempre na na linha 2the tens text can always be taken on line 2
example: line 2 -> .
var_01 = “.03.”
var_02 = “.04.”
var_03 = “.05.”
var_04 = “.15.”
var_05 = “.27.”
var_06 = “.29.”can be up to var_20
• thank you very much for your attention.
• francisco.bomfim@gmail.com
• Brazil.Rio de Janeiro -
a imagem é apenas simulada. o código ainda não existe.
the image is only simulated. the code does not yet exist.