FunctionList in 7.9.1
tanxs Peter for your explanation.
but my function list window is empty… how to load function ? -
@cisco779k said in FunctionList in 7.9.1:
but my function list window is empty
I think you’re going to have to provide some actual information in order for anyone to help you.
what Language are you using where you want to see functions in the Function List window?
provide a snippet of your code which contains a function definition in the Language, that you are not seeing in the Function List
screenshot of what you are seeing when you look at Function List window
Really, you haven’t provided much to go on. See HERE.
Yes, unless you go through the process that @Alan-Kilborn showed in the first post in this topic, Normal Text does not have functions. Notepad++ has no way of knowing how you define a function in Normal Text unless you tell it. Normal Text is not the best way to figure out if the Function List panel is working for you.
Further, the document you showed is empty. How do you expect an empty document to define any functions, whatever language it’s supposed to be?
If you pick a pre-supported programming language, and open a file of that type (so the Language menu shows it properly selected and the status bar agrees), then the function list will show the defined functions. For example, if I open
#!perl use strict; use warnings; sub with_paren() {} sub no_paren_brace {} sub MyPackage::WithParen() {} sub withProto :prototype(\@@) {} sub withAttrib :Ugly : Duckling : Here {} package MyName; sub InPackage() {} __DATA__ sub fake_data_function() {} __END__ sub fake_end_function() {}
Why don’t you download
from HERE by right-clicking its contents and doing a SaveAs in your browser, and then open this file in Notepad++?Then you should see the following, which MIGHT help you understand this feature by looking at the following:
BTW, wow, did I ever select a “violent-sounding” function to use as my example one! :-(
i have copy and paste your example on np but…
Hi @cisco779k
As @PeterJones file example is not saved, you need to manually assing the correct language to the source file, Perl in this case. Once you do that the function list panel will do its job.
But as @Alan-Kilborn file example was saved with an specific extension, Notepad++ automatically assigned the correct language and populate the function list panel.
Hope this helps.
ok tanxs for explaination! cheers
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