Adding Ruler below tab bar
Hello everyone, others tools have a ruler to speed up the position of the cursor in a long string, could be added in Npp++ as well?
Plugins > Plugins Admin, install “ColumnTools”; then Plugins > Column Tools > Ruler to enable
I use the plugin that @PeterJones mentions, but it is often of limited usefulness due to the issue discussed HERE.
Sure, it’s OK for short lines, but when you get far out to the right (e.g. columns maybe 100+), the ruler isn’t the best.
I don’t think it is the fault of the ruler functionality itself, but rather is bound up in how the characters are shown in the edit window. (Disclaimer: But I really don’t know, it’s just a guess).
Great! Installed. Thank you!
@Alan-Kilborn said in Adding Ruler below tab bar:
(Disclaimer: But I really don’t know, it’s just a guess).
Having lifted that code from someone else and incorporated my vertical “highlight” all into that plugin - I can safely say “I really don’t know, it’s just a guess” as well :-) !!!
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