Embedded Parentheses (color coding for quick observation)
Looking for a particular use theme: embedded parenthetical groupings with unique color highlights…
Woudl this be a theme or a plugin? I’d like all parentheses to show up with a unique color for each pairing - so when i have embedded parenthetical groups within other (groups) I can quickly see where the start and end of each group is without having to click onte of the parentheses to start?
IF 0 ( ( Sequence Number NOT = “” ) AND ( Sequence Number Matches Pattern of “xx.x” ) OR (Color is Black) AND (YouDaMan(Friends+Friends)) )
Hello, @jason-w and All,
No need for a theme or plugin ! You can quickly see ranges of characters, with well-balanced number of parentheses, with a
regex construction !So :
Open the
dialog (Ctrl + F
) -
Un-tick all the options
Optionally, tick the
Wrap around
option -
Select the
Regular expression
search mode -
Click on the
Find Next
=> From the caret position, consecutive greastest ranges, even on several lines, of characters, surrounded with parentheses and possibly containing zones with well-balanced parentheses, too, should be matched !
Just play around with this regex, placing your caret, right before any opening parenthesis and hitting the
Second solution :
Open the Mark dialog (
Ctrl + M
) -
Un-tick all the options
Optionally, tick the
Wrap around
Tick the
Purge for each search
option -
Select the
Regular expression
search mode -
Click on the
Mark all
=> Again, from caret position, consecutive greastest ranges, even on several lines, of characters, surrounded with parentheses and possibly containing zones with well-balanced parentheses, too, should be marked in red !
Test this recursive regex, against your example :
IF 0 ( ( Sequence Number NOT = “” ) AND ( Sequence Number Matches Pattern of “xx.x” ) OR (Color is Black) AND (YouDaMan(Friends+Friends)) )
and, for instance, against this other text, on several lines :
123(456((789)(123)(45 6()789)123))456(78 9)123)456)))789(123(456((789) (123)456)789)(123((456)789)(123(4 56(789))(123)4 56(789))123
Moving, each time, your cursor at some positions, right before an
parenthesis !Best Regards,
P.S. :
I would like to show you a brief overview of the recursion process, in regular expressions, by taking a concrete example.
From the second example, above, the first match of the regex
is the string :(456((789)(123)(45 6()789)123))
that I rewrite as
, where x =\x0d
and y =\x0a
Now, let’s rewrite this string by inserting some non-significant spaces, for readability :
( 456 ( ( 789 ) ( 123 ) ( 45xy6 ( ) 789 ) 123 ) )
Keep in mind that the part
, in our regex, is a recursive call to the entire regex pattern. In other words,(?0)
is strictly equivalent to the regex itself :\((?:[^()]++|(?0))*\)
So, if we use the free-spacing mode
, the regex, normally written as :(?x) \( (?: [^()]++ | (?0) )* \)
could also be expressed as :
(?x) \( (?: [^()]++ | \((?:[^()]++|(?0))*\) )* \)
and so on… for the same results
Thus, the string
can be found with the following regex elements :( 456 ( ( 789 ) ( 123 ) ( 45xy6 ( ) 789 ) 123 ) ) ( --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) \( [^()]{3}+ (?0) \)
Which, in turn, can be rewritten as :
( 456 ( ( 789 ) ( 123 ) ( 45xy6 ( ) 789 ) 123 ) ) --- ( ---------------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------- --- \( [^()]{3} + \( (?0) (?0) (?0) [^()]{3}+ \) \)
Which, again, can be broken down into :
( 456 ( ( 789 ) ( 123 ) ( 45xy6 ( ) 789 ) 123 ) ) --- --- --- ----- --------------------- --- --- \( [^()]{3}+ \( \( [^()]{3}+ \) \( [^()]{3}+ \) \( [^()]{5}+ (?0) [^()]{3}+ \) [^()]{3}+ \) \)
And, finally, can be expressed as :
( 456 ( ( 789 ) ( 123 ) ( 45xy6 ( ) 789 ) 123 ) ) --- --- --- ----- -------------- --- --- \( [^()]{3}+ \( \( [^()]{3}+ \) \( [^()]{3}+ \) \( [^()]{5}+ \( ([^()]{1}+){0} \) [^()]{3}+ \) [^()]{3}+ \) \)
As you can see, no recursive pattern exists anymore in this final regex structure and, using the free-spacing mode
, we can create the functional ( and long ! ) regex, below :(?x) \( [^()]{3}+ \( \( [^()]{3}+ \) \( [^()]{3}+ \) \( [^()]{5}+ \( ([^()]{1}+){0} \) [^()]{3}+ \) [^()]{3}+ \) \)
And verify that it does match the string :
So, the regex :
(?x) \( [^()]{3}+ \( \( [^()]{3}+ \) \( [^()]{3}+ \) \( [^()]{5}+ \( ([^()]{1}+){0} \) [^()]{3}+ \) [^()]{3}+ \) \)
is just one example of the final non-recursive expression, resulting of the use of the recursive pattern :
(?x) \( (?: [^()]++ | (?0) )* \)
, once the recursion process is complete.Of course, many other combinations are possible, all expressed by this powerful and short recursive regex :-))
Here’s some related good information: https://community.notepad-plus-plus.org/post/256