Replace line end symbols?
Not a reasonable way (NPP is open source so you could probably develop a way if you are a programmer).
I am quite sure that these symbols come from Scintilla so you should check out there.
Or just use UEStudio. -
@gstavi said in Replace line end symbols?:
these symbols come from Scintilla so you should check out there.
They are Scintilla representations and there are Scintilla commands to change them, but I have not been able to find a simple way to make changes persist across files and tabs.
Scintilla is embedded in Notepad++ and the default representations are easy to find in the .exe with a hex editor. They are two and three character representations, which makes them distracting. I editted a few that I use a lot - “NUL” "LF “CR” and “ESC” to “0” “n” "r and “e” - and that makes them permanent.
Highlight above is from LF to CR / “n” to “r” They are still shown with a reverse background, but only one character wide.Of course, you’d have to do the edit again for each Notepad++ update.
@astewart77 said in Replace line end symbols?:
easy to find in the .exe with a hex editor. They are two and three character representations, which makes them distracting. I editted a few
Now THAT is an ambitious approach to solving the problem! :-)
@astewart77 said in Replace line end symbols?:
They are Scintilla representations and there are Scintilla commands to change them, but I have not been able to find a simple way to make changes persist across files and tabs.
Seems like there should be a way to use SCI_SETREPRESENTATION with NppExec or PythonScript to do this?
@Michael-Vincent said in Replace line end symbols?:
Seems like there should be a way to use SCI_SETREPRESENTATION with NppExec or PythonScript to do this?
Yes, it can be done, with the complication that it has to be done on every tab switch, because N++ “resets” this aspect of Scintilla when the active document changes. IMO it is better than hacking the exe.
For most characters, re-asserting at every tab switch is sufficient.
However, in my experience, setRepresentation doesn’t work as expected for the CR and LF characters… when I tried
editor.setRepresentation("\r", "x")
, it gives
– it shrinks the box width down to 1 character rather than two, but still tries to say
instead ofx
. Similarly, a longer replacement likecarriage return
allocates enough space for the extras, but still uses theCR
(the results on
for LF are similarly ineffective and unhelpful) -
@PeterJones said in Replace line end symbols?:
However, in my experience, setRepresentation doesn’t work as expected for the CR and LF characters
I had this exact same behavior attempting to do this from LuaScript as well (thought it was a bug in the plugin). Setting it for some other character such as
worked but not"\r"
Newer versions of Scintilla have better support for line end representations. A snippet from the changelog of Scintilla v5.1
Add APIs for setting appearance (traditional blob or plain text) and colour of representations and support setting a representation for the “\r\n” line end sequence.
@dail said in Replace line end symbols?:
Newer versions of Scintilla have better support for line end representations.
… another reason to hope that Don and team are working toward the newer Scintilla in the not-too-distant future. :-)