Newest update leaves something to be desired...
I just installed the latest update of Notepad++(circa 2/1/2022) and was disappointed by the following ‘feature’. To wit, in previous versions of Notepad++, if a word was started that already existed in the text, Notepad++ would suggest that word and, if the Enter key was pressed before the completion of the word, Notepad++ would insert the suggested word. Now, however, with the latest update, if the enter key is pressed in this situation, the suggested word is not inserted. Rather, a new line is created, leaving the word uncompleted.
It is assumed, at present, that this a bug and it is hoped that brining it up here will result in the bug being fixed.
It helps to read the release notes when upgrading to new versions, not just blindly expect everything to never change.
To “restore” functionality in 8.2.1:
It is assumed, at present, that this a bug
Or you could conclude, based on the v8.2.1 announcement and release notes, that it was an intentional feature implementation, as evidenced by #3 in the notes.