need to fix
hey there notepad++ i use it for long time now everything cool just 1 thing bothers me a lot
when i open many tabs as i am working different stuff at same time and when i close till next session and when i re open it all tabs reopened even tabs that i close which i don’t need for my surprise it opened even tab that i close week ago why is that guys you need to fix it you try your self
If that’s a bug report, you’d better put some more effort into it.
@Alan-Kilborn said in need to fix:
put some more effort into it
“put some more effort into it” ? effort for what ? i saw this bug and i am here to help you if you can’t find it maybe you going wrong direction use your own product as your customer or your client do don’t sit and wait someone to point out what is good what is wrong i can uninstall it and throw to garbage there is millions text editor exist man be polite and ask how i find it and gather some info something like that don’t show me your stupid accent here by ordering put some effort
Oh, boy, where do the lunatics come from? Sheesh.
@Comment-Channel ,
you try your self
I have, a gazillion times. It has worked as expected for me every one of those times. I cannot reproduce your issue.
why is that
It could be one of quite a few different scenarios, but your brief description is not sufficient to tell us what is going wrong with you.
Some of my wild guesses:
- your notepad++ shortcut might have a
command line argument, so you’re opening a manually-generated session . The only way to change a manually-generated session is to manually save it again using File > Save Session - your Notepad++ default session file (
) is no longer writeable by the current user, so when Notepad++ tries to save the updated session information, it cannot. thus, when notepad++ loads again, the session.xml hasn’t changed, and it reloads the same files it used to. - you have multiple instances of Notepad++ running, and you closed those tabs in a different instance of Notepad++, not in the instance that has permission to save the session (Notepad++ session information is only saved by one instance when you are in multi-instance mode – and it’s almost never the instance you think it will be).
guys you need to fix it
Assuming you can come up with a better-written problem description, you will eventually need to see the FAQ.
“put some more effort into it” ? effort for what ? i saw this bug and i am here to help you if you can’t find it maybe you going wrong direction use your own product as your customer or your client do don’t sit and wait someone to point out what is good what is wrong i can uninstall it and throw to garbage there is millions text editor exist man be polite and ask how i find it and gather some info something like that don’t show me your stupid accent here by ordering put some effort
Well, for one, use some punctuation to make it readable. And put in some information to help us reproduce the problem, like what version of the product you are using, or what are the exact steps necessary to reproduce your problem.
use your own product as your customer or your client do don’t sit and wait someone to point out what is good what is wrong
It’s not Alan’s product (or my product, for that matter). You are not our customer. You have not paid us in any way, shape, or form, except by blowing up at us (which is really nasty payment, if you think about it). We are fellow users, just trying to help other users of Notepad++ get a better experience. When fellow users tell us about problems, we try to reproduce them – in our own free time, of our own free will – and if we can confirm them, we point out to said users where they can go to file an official bug report, as described in the FAQ I already referenced. When those users instead just seem to spout words at us, and refuse to provide any debug information, the fellow users who volunteer here often respond in kind, rather than going out of their way to help.
BTW: you might not have seen this, but since you seem to be an unhappy customer, I will direct you to the Notepad++ refund request page , where you will get an instant refund of all the money that you paid the developers for this excellent product.
- your notepad++ shortcut might have a
For future readers:
While I was writing my reply here (which took long enough that it spanned the entire conversation: when I started, there was just the original post), the original user got fed up, posted a nastygram, and deleted their account on their way out.
The biggest lessons to learn:
- We are all fellow users here, just trying to help each other. Being upset at anyone on the Forum for the design of Notepad++ is counterproductive. Demanding your rights as a customer is also counterproductive.
- Be polite. Don’t be demanding, or demeaning, or rude.
- When asking for help, the quality of replies you get is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. I try to always add some offset in my quality-in/quality-out function (hence my list of wild guesses as to the original problem), so that even if there is 0 quality in the original question, there will be some quality or usefulness in the reply. But the more useful details are provided in the original question, the easier it will be for fellow users to help you.