How to Upload/Change Avatar
Question - How does one Upload/Change their Avatar?
Click on your current avatar in the corner, then your user name from the menu it shows; on the triple-dot menu, pick Edit; click Change Picture, and use the hopefully-intuitive dialog.
@PeterJones - Thanks! When I posted the message as I used the instructions from link text, I did get up to the pick Edit except it did not have the Change Picture, only the following:
Change Username
Change Email
Change Password
Delete Accountbut now it does have a Change Picture right before the Change Username.
Same issue existed with the former account created in May 2024 that I never had used except in that one, it used my Google account photo so I deleted the account and this one used the letter A probably due to my github login instead of the avatar. I thought that function had been removed/disabled or it was because I am a new user.
Is there a trick to get the entire image to be within the inside dimensions of the circle?
@Almighty1 Your icon looks fine to me.
I suspect the issue you wrote about is the icon that you see in your upper-right corner of the screen?Edit: Now that I’m staring the screen shot in my own message I think I know what you wrote about. There is a white circle around the avatar and it appears your “tail” or whatever it is got clipped. I’m not sure how to fix that. While it does not seem to detract from the avatar someone else may have an idea of how to fix it other than making the avatar smaller before uploading it.
The green dot as you are on line at the moment is cool as it looks like you are holding a green ball.
@mkupper - I am actually referring more to the one that is on the upper right of the screen without the dot. I searched Google and it says the maximum is 128 x 128 pixels and mines is under the maximum dimensions so it seems to have something to do with scaling as the cropping has the entire image in it.
I made a mistake when I replied earlier and you are correct that I am referring to the icon on the upper right but somehow when you mentioned the green dot, I thought you meant the one on the left corner of the message.
I wanted to add that this problem might not be unique to this forum as it seems others have been able to include their avatar 100% within the actual inner dimensions of the circle and there has to be a trick to doing it that I don’t know about.
@Almighty1 said in How to Upload/Change Avatar:
@PeterJones - Thanks! When I posted the message as I used the instructions from link text, I did get up to the pick Edit except it did not have the Change Picture, only the following: …
Changing your avatar is a privilege earned once you have a small amount of upvotes – probably, at the time, no one had upvoted any of your posts yet, but since then, you have received upvotes. (However, if your Google account had an avatar when you created your Community account, I believe it does allow it to be immediately set from that one, though it’s still not changeable until you have sufficient reputation/upvotes)
I thought that function had been removed/disabled or it was because I am a new user.
New user
Is there a trick to get the entire image to be within the inside dimensions of the circle?
The image is a square that’s 128x128, but the forum only shows the circle centered on the middle of that. So, any pixels that you want to be visible need to be within a circle that’s diameter=128 or radius=64 centered at (63,63) in the image. (So, for example, the pixel at (15,113) [which is part of your Avatar’s “tail” that is not shown] is 48 in the X direction and 48 in the Y direction from the center, so a distance of √(48²+48²) = 67.9 pixels, which is more than 64 units from the center. [Also proving that anyone who said during algebra class that you’d never use Pythagoras in “real life” was lying to you.])