Script to auto-update portable Notepad++ version
Hi there. This would be my first post, and it is just something i want to share with you, in hope it may be useful to someone.
For those who use Notepad++ portable version, there doesn’t seem to be an auto updater included, as with the installer version. I have created a script that can help mitigate that.
What it does:
- checks for latest notepad++ version (from github releases)
- compares the latest version from github with the current notepad++ executable file version.
3.1) if versions match, displays only a message informing
3.2) if a newer version is found on github, it automatically downloads it and replaces the necessary files in the notepad++ current directory (recommend to run the script from the same dir where notepad++ portable is in.)
Here is the code of the script, for transparency, you can save it as .bat file, place it on the same dir as notepad++, and run it whenever you need from there .
DO NOT run the script if you don’t trust it, have any doubts, or don’t understand what the code below is doing, I accept no responsibility. However I am sure people can scrutinize it easily and confirm that it is safe to use.
Below is the script code (save it in a Notepad , then save it as .BAT extension):
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Define variables set "download_url=" set "json_url=" set "" set "extract_path=%~dp0" set "exe_path=%~dp0notepad++.exe" set "installed_version=" set "latest_version=" :: Get the installed Notepad++ version using PowerShell for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "(Get-Item '%exe_path%').VersionInfo.ProductVersion"') do ( set "installed_version=%%i" ) :: Get latest release version from GitHub for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.tag_name -replace 'v',''"') do ( set "latest_version=%%i" ) :: Check if both versions were retrieved if "%installed_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not determine installed Notepad++ version. pause exit /b ) if "%latest_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not retrieve latest Notepad++ version from GitHub. pause exit /b ) :: Display versions echo Installed Version : %installed_version% echo Latest Version : %latest_version% :: Compare versions if "%installed_version%"=="%latest_version%" ( echo Notepad++ is up to date. No update needed. pause exit /b ) echo A new version is available! Updating... :: Get latest release download URL for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.assets | Where-Object { $ -like 'npp.*' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url"') do ( set "download_url=%%i" ) if "%download_url%"=="" ( echo Failed to retrieve the latest Notepad++ Portable download URL. pause exit /b ) echo Downloading latest Notepad++ Portable from: echo %download_url% :: Download the latest version powershell -Command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%download_url%', '%download_path%')" :: Extract the update echo Extracting update... powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Force '%download_path%' '%extract_path%'" :: Cleanup echo Cleaning up... del "%download_path%" echo Update completed! Notepad++ is now updated to version %latest_version%. pause
I am glad you found a sequence that works for you, and a way to automate it.
However, to caution other users who might be considering whether or not to use the shared script: it uses a “destructive” upgrade: if you are using any of the themes, rather than the default
normal-theme, and if you’ve have added any “user defined keywords” to any language in that theme, or any “user defined extensions” to any languages in that theme, or changed any colors in that theme, then the batch script provided will overwrite your modified theme, and you will lose your customization(s). Fortunately, if you use the normal stylers.xml for your theme, it will not be overwritten – however, that means that as Notepad++ improves its language syntax highlighting, this script will not help get you the new styles that didn’t exist when you first launched your portable N versions ago.(@Laur-Florin , I am not chastising you, or denegrading your script; that was kind of you to share your script, in the hopes that it would help someone else. However, since you did admit that people shouldn’t run the script if they didn’t understand all the implications, I just thought I would point out at least one implication that some people might not have thought of.)
I agree, the OP needs to exclude some, if not all, xml files, such as config.xml etc
@PeterJones hahaha don’t worry about it, I know I am a coding noob and script kiddie 😂 . I am just trying different things out, breaking things, learning from it.
I appreciate actually that you answered and explained some things that I was not aware of. Clearly I have more work ahead, that’s what I was actually looking for, some feedback, maybe I can even improve the script for myself later down the road for my needs.
What you said about the settings is valid, I didn’t think of that, maybe if you can share anything you can think of about the script that may be doing some things wrong, I can try to take that in consideration and improve it for myself.
Thank you for taking the time to tell me, and please, anyone, any ideas or feedback you may have, keep it coming !!🙏🙏😁
@Laur-Florin said:
or feedback you may have
I think this is positive feedback: While I won’t use your script in its entirety, I think I’ll adapt parts of it to automate grabbing a new version of N++ portable; mainly to save the drudge work of click…click…click…
@PeterJones said in Script to auto-update portable Notepad++ version:
a “destructive” upgrade
There already is the @mpheath handy PythonScript sln, IIRC it does not overwrite that xmls: -
@xomx good, thanks, but isn’t a batch file more convenient? can the OP include the code in his own script?
@patrickdrd I tried to come with an updated version that can (hopefully) backup the configs before in a temporary folder, perform the upgrade, then restore back the config files.
As always , I recommend caution and extensive testing first in a virtual environment, if someone ever want to use it.
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Define variables set "json_url=" set "" set "extract_temp=%~dp0npp_temp" set "install_path=%~dp0" set "exe_path=%install_path%notepad++.exe" set "backup_path=%install_path%config_backup" set "installed_version=" set "latest_version=" :: Get installed Notepad++ version for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "(Get-Item '%exe_path%').VersionInfo.ProductVersion"') do ( set "installed_version=%%i" ) :: Get latest release version from GitHub for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.tag_name -replace 'v',''"') do ( set "latest_version=%%i" ) :: Check if both versions were retrieved if "%installed_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not determine installed Notepad++ version. pause exit /b ) if "%latest_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not retrieve latest Notepad++ version from GitHub. pause exit /b ) :: Display versions echo Installed Version : %installed_version% echo Latest Version : %latest_version% :: Compare versions if "%installed_version%"=="%latest_version%" ( echo Notepad++ is up to date. No update needed. pause exit /b ) echo A new version is available! Updating... :: Get latest release download URL for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.assets | Where-Object { $ -like 'npp.*' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url"') do ( set "download_url=%%i" ) if "%download_url%"=="" ( echo Failed to retrieve the latest Notepad++ Portable download URL. pause exit /b ) :: Backup important config files echo Backing up user configurations... mkdir "%backup_path%" 2>nul for %%f in (config.xml stylers.xml langs.xml shortcuts.xml contextMenu.xml userDefineLang.xml) do ( if exist "%install_path%\%%f" copy /Y "%install_path%\%%f" "%backup_path%" ) :: Download the latest version echo Downloading latest Notepad++ Portable... powershell -Command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%download_url%', '%download_path%')" :: Extract to a temporary folder echo Extracting update... rmdir /s /q "%extract_temp%" 2>nul mkdir "%extract_temp%" powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Force '%download_path%' '%extract_temp%'" :: Move extracted files to install directory FIRST echo Updating Notepad++... xcopy /E /Y "%extract_temp%\*" "%install_path%\" >nul :: Restore user configurations AFTER updating echo Restoring user configurations... for %%f in (config.xml stylers.xml langs.xml shortcuts.xml contextMenu.xml userDefineLang.xml) do ( if exist "%backup_path%\%%f" copy /Y "%backup_path%\%%f" "%install_path%\%%f" ) :: Cleanup echo Cleaning up... del "%download_path%" rmdir /s /q "%extract_temp%" rmdir /s /q "%backup_path%" echo Update completed! Notepad++ is now updated to version %latest_version%. pause
Mainly added the lines to preserve the configs, maybe this will be better a bit. If i missed any files to backup and restore from config, as I don’t know them all exactly, I can try to update this further by excluding the necessary files from updating or overwriting
@Laur-Florin hmm, I would prefer to skip them like the other script, actually I think they’re only two: config xml and shortcuts.xml,
also an option to skip localisation files (and do copy only English ones) would be great,
thanks! -
@patrickdrd sure! I’ll keep tinkering with it, and if I manage to accomplish this, I’ll post an update
Hi there. I tried to make some further changes to it. Hopefully it will work alright . However it still needs further work for sure.
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Define variables set "json_url=" set "" set "extract_temp=%~dp0npp_temp" set "install_path=%~dp0" set "exe_path=%install_path%notepad++.exe" set "backup_path=%install_path%config_backup" set "installed_version=" set "latest_version=" :: Get installed Notepad++ version for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "(Get-Item '%exe_path%').VersionInfo.ProductVersion"') do ( set "installed_version=%%i" ) :: Get latest release version from GitHub for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.tag_name -replace 'v',''"') do ( set "latest_version=%%i" ) :: Check if both versions were retrieved if "%installed_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not determine installed Notepad++ version. pause exit /b ) if "%latest_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not retrieve latest Notepad++ version from GitHub. pause exit /b ) :: Display versions echo Installed Version : %installed_version% echo Latest Version : %latest_version% :: Compare versions if "%installed_version%"=="%latest_version%" ( echo Notepad++ is up to date. No update needed. pause exit /b ) echo A new version is available! Updating... :: Get latest release download URL for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.assets | Where-Object { $ -like 'npp.*' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url"') do ( set "download_url=%%i" ) if "%download_url%"=="" ( echo Failed to retrieve the latest Notepad++ Portable download URL. pause exit /b ) :: Backup important config files (except config.xml and shortcuts.xml) echo Backing up user configurations... mkdir "%backup_path%" 2>nul for %%f in (stylers.xml langs.xml contextMenu.xml userDefineLang.xml) do ( if exist "%install_path%\%%f" copy /Y "%install_path%\%%f" "%backup_path%" ) :: Download the latest version echo Downloading latest Notepad++ Portable... powershell -Command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%download_url%', '%download_path%')" :: Extract to a temporary folder echo Extracting update... rmdir /s /q "%extract_temp%" 2>nul mkdir "%extract_temp%" powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Force '%download_path%' '%extract_temp%'" :: Move extracted files to install directory while EXCLUDING config.xml and shortcuts.xml echo Updating Notepad++... robocopy "%extract_temp%" "%install_path%" /E /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /R:3 /W:2 /XF config.xml shortcuts.xml >nul :: Restore user configurations (EXCEPT config.xml and shortcuts.xml) echo Restoring user configurations... for %%f in (stylers.xml langs.xml contextMenu.xml userDefineLang.xml) do ( if exist "%backup_path%\%%f" copy /Y "%backup_path%\%%f" "%install_path%\%%f" ) :: Remove all localization files except English echo Removing unnecessary localization files... for %%f in ("%install_path%\localization\*") do ( if NOT "%%~nxf"=="english.xml" if NOT "%%~nxf"=="nativeLang.xml" del "%%f" ) :: Cleanup echo Cleaning up... del "%download_path%" rmdir /s /q "%extract_temp%" rmdir /s /q "%backup_path%" echo Update completed! Notepad++ is now updated to version %latest_version%. pause
Hopefully this later iteration can sort all the issues so far. Tried to include an approach to skip the important settings, hotkeys, localizations as well. // edit: after some tests it still has unexpected errors, do not use. Work will still be in progress , hopefully i will find a breakthrough with enough testing in my spare time
@Laur-Florin said in Script to auto-update portable Notepad++ version:
robocopy “%extract_temp%” “%install_path%” /E /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /R:3 /W:2 /XF config.xml shortcuts.xml >nul
I like this exclusion command, I think there’s no need for backup folder,
also you could copy from extract_temp/localization only english.xml and skip the rest, so it should be somehow simpler -
here’s my version, I tested and it works,
I’m excluding themes too and I changed working folder(s) to d:\downloads@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Define variables set "json_url= " set "download_path=d:\downloads\" set "extract_temp=d:\downloads\npp" set "install_path=.\" set "exe_path=%install_path%notepad++.exe" REM set "" REM set "extract_temp=%~dp0npp_temp" REM set "install_path=%~dp0" REM set "exe_path=%install_path%notepad++.exe" REM set "backup_path=%install_path%config_backup" set "installed_version=" set "latest_version=" :: Get installed Notepad++ version for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "(Get-Item '%exe_path%').VersionInfo.ProductVersion"') do ( set "installed_version=%%i" ) :: Get latest release version from GitHub for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.tag_name -replace 'v',''"') do ( set "latest_version=%%i" ) :: Check if both versions were retrieved if "%installed_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not determine installed Notepad++ version. pause exit /b ) if "%latest_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not retrieve latest Notepad++ version from GitHub. pause exit /b ) :: Display versions echo Installed Version : %installed_version% echo Latest Version : %latest_version% :: Compare versions if "%installed_version%"=="%latest_version%" ( echo Notepad++ is up to date. No update needed. pause exit /b ) echo A new version is available! Updating... :: Get latest release download URL for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.assets | Where-Object { $ -like 'npp.*' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url"') do ( set "download_url=%%i" ) if "%download_url%"=="" ( echo Failed to retrieve the latest Notepad++ Portable download URL. pause exit /b ) REM :: Backup important config files (except config.xml and shortcuts.xml) REM echo Backing up user configurations... REM mkdir "%backup_path%" 2>nul REM for %%f in (stylers.xml langs.xml contextMenu.xml userDefineLang.xml) do ( REM if exist "%install_path%\%%f" copy /Y "%install_path%\%%f" "%backup_path%" REM ) :: Download the latest version echo Downloading latest Notepad++ Portable... powershell -Command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%download_url%', '%download_path%')" :: Extract to a temporary folder echo Extracting update... rmdir /s /q "%extract_temp%" 2>nul mkdir "%extract_temp%" powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Force '%download_path%' '%extract_temp%'" :: Move extracted files to install directory while EXCLUDING config.xml and shortcuts.xml echo Updating Notepad++... robocopy "%extract_temp%" . /e /copy:DAT /dcopy:T /r:0 /xf config.xml shortcuts.xml /XD localization themes /IS /IT REM xcopy . "D:\downloads\npp2" /c /q /h /r /k /y /e /exclude:"D:\Utilities\PortableApps\Notepad++\xcopy_excludes.txt" REM robocopy "%extract_temp%" "%install_path%" /E /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /R:3 /W:2 /XF config.xml shortcuts.xml /XD localization themes >nul REM pause REM :: Restore user configurations (EXCEPT config.xml and shortcuts.xml) REM echo Restoring user configurations... REM for %%f in (stylers.xml langs.xml contextMenu.xml userDefineLang.xml) do ( REM if exist "%backup_path%\%%f" copy /Y "%backup_path%\%%f" "%install_path%\%%f" REM ) REM :: Remove all localization files except English REM echo Removing unnecessary localization files... REM for %%f in ("%install_path%\localization\*") do ( REM if NOT "%%~nxf"=="english.xml" if NOT "%%~nxf"=="nativeLang.xml" del "%%f" REM ) copy /y "%extract_temp%\localization\english*.xml" ".\localization" REM pause :: Cleanup echo Cleaning up... del "%download_path%" rmdir /s /q "%extract_temp%" REM rmdir /s /q "%backup_path%" REM pause echo Update completed! Notepad++ is now updated to version %latest_version%. pause
Just curious… The batch file makes use of a lot of powershell. Why did you decide to make it a hybrid batch/powershell script instead of going 100% powershell?