Script to auto-update portable Notepad++ version
@Laur-Florin said:
or feedback you may have
I think this is positive feedback: While I won’t use your script in its entirety, I think I’ll adapt parts of it to automate grabbing a new version of N++ portable; mainly to save the drudge work of click…click…click…
@PeterJones said in Script to auto-update portable Notepad++ version:
a “destructive” upgrade
There already is the @mpheath handy PythonScript sln, IIRC it does not overwrite that xmls: -
@xomx good, thanks, but isn’t a batch file more convenient? can the OP include the code in his own script?
@patrickdrd I tried to come with an updated version that can (hopefully) backup the configs before in a temporary folder, perform the upgrade, then restore back the config files.
As always , I recommend caution and extensive testing first in a virtual environment, if someone ever want to use it.
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Define variables set "json_url=" set "" set "extract_temp=%~dp0npp_temp" set "install_path=%~dp0" set "exe_path=%install_path%notepad++.exe" set "backup_path=%install_path%config_backup" set "installed_version=" set "latest_version=" :: Get installed Notepad++ version for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "(Get-Item '%exe_path%').VersionInfo.ProductVersion"') do ( set "installed_version=%%i" ) :: Get latest release version from GitHub for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.tag_name -replace 'v',''"') do ( set "latest_version=%%i" ) :: Check if both versions were retrieved if "%installed_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not determine installed Notepad++ version. pause exit /b ) if "%latest_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not retrieve latest Notepad++ version from GitHub. pause exit /b ) :: Display versions echo Installed Version : %installed_version% echo Latest Version : %latest_version% :: Compare versions if "%installed_version%"=="%latest_version%" ( echo Notepad++ is up to date. No update needed. pause exit /b ) echo A new version is available! Updating... :: Get latest release download URL for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.assets | Where-Object { $ -like 'npp.*' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url"') do ( set "download_url=%%i" ) if "%download_url%"=="" ( echo Failed to retrieve the latest Notepad++ Portable download URL. pause exit /b ) :: Backup important config files echo Backing up user configurations... mkdir "%backup_path%" 2>nul for %%f in (config.xml stylers.xml langs.xml shortcuts.xml contextMenu.xml userDefineLang.xml) do ( if exist "%install_path%\%%f" copy /Y "%install_path%\%%f" "%backup_path%" ) :: Download the latest version echo Downloading latest Notepad++ Portable... powershell -Command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%download_url%', '%download_path%')" :: Extract to a temporary folder echo Extracting update... rmdir /s /q "%extract_temp%" 2>nul mkdir "%extract_temp%" powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Force '%download_path%' '%extract_temp%'" :: Move extracted files to install directory FIRST echo Updating Notepad++... xcopy /E /Y "%extract_temp%\*" "%install_path%\" >nul :: Restore user configurations AFTER updating echo Restoring user configurations... for %%f in (config.xml stylers.xml langs.xml shortcuts.xml contextMenu.xml userDefineLang.xml) do ( if exist "%backup_path%\%%f" copy /Y "%backup_path%\%%f" "%install_path%\%%f" ) :: Cleanup echo Cleaning up... del "%download_path%" rmdir /s /q "%extract_temp%" rmdir /s /q "%backup_path%" echo Update completed! Notepad++ is now updated to version %latest_version%. pause
Mainly added the lines to preserve the configs, maybe this will be better a bit. If i missed any files to backup and restore from config, as I don’t know them all exactly, I can try to update this further by excluding the necessary files from updating or overwriting
@Laur-Florin hmm, I would prefer to skip them like the other script, actually I think they’re only two: config xml and shortcuts.xml,
also an option to skip localisation files (and do copy only English ones) would be great,
thanks! -
@patrickdrd sure! I’ll keep tinkering with it, and if I manage to accomplish this, I’ll post an update
Hi there. I tried to make some further changes to it. Hopefully it will work alright . However it still needs further work for sure.
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Define variables set "json_url=" set "" set "extract_temp=%~dp0npp_temp" set "install_path=%~dp0" set "exe_path=%install_path%notepad++.exe" set "backup_path=%install_path%config_backup" set "installed_version=" set "latest_version=" :: Get installed Notepad++ version for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "(Get-Item '%exe_path%').VersionInfo.ProductVersion"') do ( set "installed_version=%%i" ) :: Get latest release version from GitHub for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.tag_name -replace 'v',''"') do ( set "latest_version=%%i" ) :: Check if both versions were retrieved if "%installed_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not determine installed Notepad++ version. pause exit /b ) if "%latest_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not retrieve latest Notepad++ version from GitHub. pause exit /b ) :: Display versions echo Installed Version : %installed_version% echo Latest Version : %latest_version% :: Compare versions if "%installed_version%"=="%latest_version%" ( echo Notepad++ is up to date. No update needed. pause exit /b ) echo A new version is available! Updating... :: Get latest release download URL for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.assets | Where-Object { $ -like 'npp.*' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url"') do ( set "download_url=%%i" ) if "%download_url%"=="" ( echo Failed to retrieve the latest Notepad++ Portable download URL. pause exit /b ) :: Backup important config files (except config.xml and shortcuts.xml) echo Backing up user configurations... mkdir "%backup_path%" 2>nul for %%f in (stylers.xml langs.xml contextMenu.xml userDefineLang.xml) do ( if exist "%install_path%\%%f" copy /Y "%install_path%\%%f" "%backup_path%" ) :: Download the latest version echo Downloading latest Notepad++ Portable... powershell -Command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%download_url%', '%download_path%')" :: Extract to a temporary folder echo Extracting update... rmdir /s /q "%extract_temp%" 2>nul mkdir "%extract_temp%" powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Force '%download_path%' '%extract_temp%'" :: Move extracted files to install directory while EXCLUDING config.xml and shortcuts.xml echo Updating Notepad++... robocopy "%extract_temp%" "%install_path%" /E /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /R:3 /W:2 /XF config.xml shortcuts.xml >nul :: Restore user configurations (EXCEPT config.xml and shortcuts.xml) echo Restoring user configurations... for %%f in (stylers.xml langs.xml contextMenu.xml userDefineLang.xml) do ( if exist "%backup_path%\%%f" copy /Y "%backup_path%\%%f" "%install_path%\%%f" ) :: Remove all localization files except English echo Removing unnecessary localization files... for %%f in ("%install_path%\localization\*") do ( if NOT "%%~nxf"=="english.xml" if NOT "%%~nxf"=="nativeLang.xml" del "%%f" ) :: Cleanup echo Cleaning up... del "%download_path%" rmdir /s /q "%extract_temp%" rmdir /s /q "%backup_path%" echo Update completed! Notepad++ is now updated to version %latest_version%. pause
Hopefully this later iteration can sort all the issues so far. Tried to include an approach to skip the important settings, hotkeys, localizations as well. // edit: after some tests it still has unexpected errors, do not use. Work will still be in progress , hopefully i will find a breakthrough with enough testing in my spare time
@Laur-Florin said in Script to auto-update portable Notepad++ version:
robocopy “%extract_temp%” “%install_path%” /E /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /R:3 /W:2 /XF config.xml shortcuts.xml >nul
I like this exclusion command, I think there’s no need for backup folder,
also you could copy from extract_temp/localization only english.xml and skip the rest, so it should be somehow simpler -
here’s my version, I tested and it works,
I’m excluding themes too and I changed working folder(s) to d:\downloads@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion :: Define variables set "json_url= " set "download_path=d:\downloads\" set "extract_temp=d:\downloads\npp" set "install_path=.\" set "exe_path=%install_path%notepad++.exe" REM set "" REM set "extract_temp=%~dp0npp_temp" REM set "install_path=%~dp0" REM set "exe_path=%install_path%notepad++.exe" REM set "backup_path=%install_path%config_backup" set "installed_version=" set "latest_version=" :: Get installed Notepad++ version for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "(Get-Item '%exe_path%').VersionInfo.ProductVersion"') do ( set "installed_version=%%i" ) :: Get latest release version from GitHub for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.tag_name -replace 'v',''"') do ( set "latest_version=%%i" ) :: Check if both versions were retrieved if "%installed_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not determine installed Notepad++ version. pause exit /b ) if "%latest_version%"=="" ( echo Error: Could not retrieve latest Notepad++ version from GitHub. pause exit /b ) :: Display versions echo Installed Version : %installed_version% echo Latest Version : %latest_version% :: Compare versions if "%installed_version%"=="%latest_version%" ( echo Notepad++ is up to date. No update needed. pause exit /b ) echo A new version is available! Updating... :: Get latest release download URL for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('powershell -Command "$json = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%json_url%' -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json; $json.assets | Where-Object { $ -like 'npp.*' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url"') do ( set "download_url=%%i" ) if "%download_url%"=="" ( echo Failed to retrieve the latest Notepad++ Portable download URL. pause exit /b ) REM :: Backup important config files (except config.xml and shortcuts.xml) REM echo Backing up user configurations... REM mkdir "%backup_path%" 2>nul REM for %%f in (stylers.xml langs.xml contextMenu.xml userDefineLang.xml) do ( REM if exist "%install_path%\%%f" copy /Y "%install_path%\%%f" "%backup_path%" REM ) :: Download the latest version echo Downloading latest Notepad++ Portable... powershell -Command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%download_url%', '%download_path%')" :: Extract to a temporary folder echo Extracting update... rmdir /s /q "%extract_temp%" 2>nul mkdir "%extract_temp%" powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Force '%download_path%' '%extract_temp%'" :: Move extracted files to install directory while EXCLUDING config.xml and shortcuts.xml echo Updating Notepad++... robocopy "%extract_temp%" . /e /copy:DAT /dcopy:T /r:0 /xf config.xml shortcuts.xml /XD localization themes /IS /IT REM xcopy . "D:\downloads\npp2" /c /q /h /r /k /y /e /exclude:"D:\Utilities\PortableApps\Notepad++\xcopy_excludes.txt" REM robocopy "%extract_temp%" "%install_path%" /E /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /R:3 /W:2 /XF config.xml shortcuts.xml /XD localization themes >nul REM pause REM :: Restore user configurations (EXCEPT config.xml and shortcuts.xml) REM echo Restoring user configurations... REM for %%f in (stylers.xml langs.xml contextMenu.xml userDefineLang.xml) do ( REM if exist "%backup_path%\%%f" copy /Y "%backup_path%\%%f" "%install_path%\%%f" REM ) REM :: Remove all localization files except English REM echo Removing unnecessary localization files... REM for %%f in ("%install_path%\localization\*") do ( REM if NOT "%%~nxf"=="english.xml" if NOT "%%~nxf"=="nativeLang.xml" del "%%f" REM ) copy /y "%extract_temp%\localization\english*.xml" ".\localization" REM pause :: Cleanup echo Cleaning up... del "%download_path%" rmdir /s /q "%extract_temp%" REM rmdir /s /q "%backup_path%" REM pause echo Update completed! Notepad++ is now updated to version %latest_version%. pause
Just curious… The batch file makes use of a lot of powershell. Why did you decide to make it a hybrid batch/powershell script instead of going 100% powershell?