Notepad ++ - Find All in Current Document / Find All in All Open Documents not working
Hi all,
Recently I noticed that Find All in Current Document, also Find All in All Open Documents were no longer working - that is to say that no window is created with the results.
I don’t have a record of what Notepad ++ version introduced these bugs, but I’m now running version 6.8.1.
Leigh -
It works for me in version 6.8.2.
@h-h-h-h said:
Hmm… Here’s what I do using 6.8.2 on windows 7.
- Macro > Start
- Searc Find. Then “Find What” ToDo:" Click “Find All in Current Documents”
- Macro > Stop
- Macro > Save Current recorded macro = List TODO
when I then run “list todo” nothing happens
Maybe, macros are just related to the text editing control itself?
Hello Leigh, h-h-h-h and Gary,
Indeed, the Find All in Current Document action is NOT recordable, in macros, even if the Find Results panel was previously opened :-((
Just have a look to these two old posts, on SourceForge, about that topic, where I give a work-around to that wrong behaviour :
Hope it’ll be useful to you !
Best Regards,
The original post is not talking about macros.
I have just had a Eureka moment!
I just discovered a minimized window that was only a few pixels square. When I maximized it - I could see all the results from Find All in Current Document.
So what I thought was a bug, was not.
This just happened to me on 7.4.2. The reason was I have 2 monitors and I had just switched monitor 2 to be the main display. For some reason this prevented the popup window for the search results to open. Once I changed it back the find command worked again.
@Leigh Wardle
Thank you for your Eureka moment!
This was driving med crazy until I stumbeled over this post and your moment :D -
@Leigh-Wardle Awesome!! you were right… I was scratching my head all the while. Thanks!!
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