While I was going through install .exe setup, it said that due to security, spell checker would have to be moved to “disabled” folder or something like that. I followed instructions found here:
Yet, still no joy. This is my fav feature, please fix!!!
Yea, it’s ironic that the central feature is not even dealt with. I am currently – and again – searching for a notepad-type program that will (primarily) spell check. We, who have been building pages via html for decades, used to write (code and text) into MS Notepad, and then we’d have to copy our field text and paste it into MS Word, run its spell check, and then paste it back into Notepad to save. Then someone added a plus to MS Notepad; Notepad++! That’s right, we could now use only one program! Yea! But alas, all good things must come to an end. Notepad++ went from a simple editing format., to this leviathan of extras that the bulk of humanity does not, nor ever will use. And spell check? Its a plug-in, and apparently, a minor one at that! So the search is on again!
@Paul-Andrew-Anderson It’s not saying the spellchecker is getting removed completely, or that you can’t enable it yourself. There had been some issues reported that were causing users some issues. So for the time being it was not being installed by default.
Manually download the latest DSpellCheck dll from https://github.com/Predelnik/DSpellCheck/releases
The NP++ plugin manager needs to be updated for the latest version