All text are Italics, please help to change back without it?
Hi all!
I don’t know that happened but all text in opened txt files are Italics now. I have reinstalled the app but problem is still here. What should I do to remove Italics?
Hello Lenor-de-Consuelo-Moliano,
can you check if Settings->Style Configurator
has italic and enable global italic font style set?Cheers
Claudia -
Hello Claudia Frank,
Italic and Global italic aren’t set… All is by default after reinstalling the app…
Hello Lenor-de-Consuelo-Moliano,
is the document, you open, mapped with a programming language.
What is the extension of the document. Did you try selecting Language->Normal Text?Cheers
Claudia -
Hello Claudia Frank,
Documents have txt extension.
I tried Normal Text and this is still Italics.
I tried other programming languages but they are Italics too or bold without Italics.
May be I need to manually remove some file after uninstalling the app and make fully clean installing?
or try to start with -noPlugin command line switch to see if a plugin caused this
Claudia -
Claudia Frank,
I have tried commands in cmd console:
start notepad++.exe -noPluginstart “” “notepad++.exe” -noPlugin
If it is right commands they don’t change nothing…
Hello Lenor-de-Consuelo-Moliano,
yes this is the right parameter if you use the most recent version.
Previous version had -noPlugins (additional s) if I remember correctly.
Npp gets started, right?
You do have closed any other instance of npp before restarting within
-noPlugin switch did you?Cheers
Claudia -
Claudia Frank,
I use last version 6.8.8
I closed npp and performed command then npp starts but text is still Italics…
ok, than plugins aren’t the reason. Can you send us the Debug Info?
Can be found clicking the question mark in the menu.Cheers
Claudia -
Claudia Frank,
Please look screenshot of current text view:
Debug info:
Notepad++ v6.8.8
Build time : Dec 10 2015 - 01:11:37
Path : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
Admin mode : OFF
Local Conf mode : OFF
OS : Windows 7
Plugins : mimeTools.dll NppConverter.dll NppExport.dll PluginManager.dll -
which Encoding (menu option) do you use?
Claudia -
Claudia Frank,
Opened files have Windows-1251 encoding.
Also I have tried to create new files with ANSI, UTF-8 but all text is still Italics…
sorry but I’m running out of ideas.
Does this happen in npp only or is ms notepad also affected?Can you download a zipped version of npp and unpack it to a
temporary folder. Within this folder create a file called doLocalConf.xml (no content needed), start npp and open
the document. Is it still itallic?Maybe try to restore the font ?
Claudia -
Claudia Frank,
Text is still Italic in zipped version of the npp.
I have revealed that default Courier New font of npp is shown as Italic now in my Windows.
I have tried to restore fonts follow by your link but it doesn’t help.
I have 3 Courier New fonts: Bold, Bold Italic, Italic. So that is the problem.
Thank you so much Claudia Frank! I will try to resolve my problem with fonts, not with npp!
I have installed new fonts for win 7 and all works fine now! Thanks again Claudia Frank!
Lenor de Consuelo Moliano,
nice to see that this could be solved.Cheers