CallTips - How to Add Keywords with Spaces
I have created a Auto completion list with Keywords having Spaces like ‘Alias1 2 3’ but Np++ is showing Alias1, 2,3 as the Auto complete list.
Could you please help me on how to make NP++ to display Keyword with spaces in Autocomplete list.
Thanks and Regards,
Sathish. -
Currently that does not seem possible. Internally the keywords are joined together into a list by using spaces, so if a keyword happens to have a space in it, then it sees it as two keywords.
In theory with a few code modifications it would be possible though.
How can I make the code modification to show words with spaces?
Internally Notepad++ would have to use a different character (one that does not show up in the keywords) to join the keywords. Most likely this would be a configurable option in the xml file. Then that character would be specified to Scintilla when calling
. -
I have added following line in xml but no luck with spaces.
<Environment ignoreCase=“yes” startFunc=“(” stopFunc=“)” paramSeparator=“,” terminal=“;” additionalWordChar=“\s”/>.
How can I configure the space to accept in XML.
In theory with a few code modifications it would be possible though.
I was meaning C++ code modifications.