[NEW Plugin] FirstUpper
The plugin framework requires dot net 3.5 but can easily be modified back to 2.0 by removing the factory method returning Func <> and changing the project to 2.0. It would be interesting to see if that is the root problem
@Kasper-Graversen: How and where do I remove that factory method returning Func<,>?
@guy038: I created a build (click me!) that uses .NET 2.0 and x86 architecture to see if that helps. Let me know if it works.
Hi zkirkland and Kasper,
Thanks for having a glance about it ! Unfortunately, I get the same error windows, with your new FirstUpper.dll ( 43646 bytes ) and its associated text file FirstUpperForbiddenWords.txt :-((
So, I think that we should have a logical attitude !
First, ask for people, having a Win XP configuration ( There are still some, indeed !! ) to test your plugin. May be, my Win XP system is just bugged !
As for me, tomorrow, I’ll verify, at work, your two versions of your plugin, both, on a Win XP and a W7 configuration, with local installation of the last 6.9.2 N++ version, without any additional plugin, but yours, of course !
@zkirkland seems you found the factory method :)
Hello zkirkland,
Don’t understand what is happening ? Yesterday, I did try your plugin on an other Win XP machine as well as an W7 system. And as I’m, presently, building a W8.1 64b machine for a friend of mine, I just noticed that it did not work, too, on that W8.1 install !
So, I suppose that I certainly, missed something important, but what ?! As you said, I just copy the DLL and the text file in the plugins folder of my local N++ configuration ?! So, what I’m doing wrong ?
Best Regards,
@zkirkland maybe you messed around with the namespaces of the exports. If you try the demo app that comes with the pluginpack you can see the exported functions that N++ requires. Then you can check the ones for your plugin
PS C:\src\NotepadPlusPlusPluginPack.Net \Demo Plugin\NppManagedPluginDemo\bin\Debug> & ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\dumpbin.exe’ -exports .\Demo.dll
Microsoft ® COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.00.23918.0
Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Dump of file .\Demo.dll
File Type: DLL
Section contains the following exports for \Demo.dll
00000000 characteristics 572B1CF6 time date stamp Thu May 5 12:14:14 2016 0.00 version 0 ordinal base 6 number of functions 6 number of names ordinal hint RVA name 5 0 0001691E beNotified 2 1 000168EE getFuncsArray 4 2 0001690E getName 0 3 000168CE isUnicode 3 4 000168FE messageProc 1 5 000168DE setInfo
@guy038: I don’t know yet what is wrong. I am sorry. I am new to writing plugins for Notepad++. I will do my best to figure out what is going on.
@Kasper-Graversen: I do not know how to interpret the output on your file nor do I understand how to use that on my own dll. However, you said perhaps I messed around with the namespaces. I did not change any namespaces.
@guy038: I compiled this on a W10 Pro 64 bit machine. I don’t know if that makes a difference but it may.
@Kasper-Graversen: I figured it out and I ran the dumpbin.exe on my dll and got the same output you did.
00000000 characteristics 575EC538 time date stamp Mon Jun 13 09:37:44 2016 0.00 version 0 ordinal base 6 number of functions 6 number of names ordinal hint RVA name 5 0 0002399E beNotified 2 1 0002396E getFuncsArray 4 2 0002398E getName 0 3 0002394E isUnicode 3 4 0002397E messageProc 1 5 0002395E setInfo
@zkirkland great dump.