[functionList.xml] What do these colons mean?
In “c-function” node of functionList.xml, there are “[\w:]+” and “([\w]+[\s]*::)?” in mainExpr.
What do these colons mean?
means “match one or more word characters (i.e. A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9 or an underscore) or a colon”.([\w]+[\s]*::)?
means “optionally (i.e. the question mark at the end) match one or more word characters followed by zero or more white space (Most engines: space, tab, newline, carriage return, vertical tab; .NET, Python 3, JavaScript: any Unicode separator) followed by two colons”. -
Thanks to MAPJe71!
But I don’t understand why there needs colon in C function definition’s head line.What I say “function definition’s head line” means:
int func(int a, int b)
Then, “int func(int a, int b)” is “function definition’s head line”. -
The Notepad++ v6.9.2 parser looks like this:
<parser id="c_function" displayName="C source" commentExpr="((/\*.*?\*)/|(//.*?$))"> <function mainExpr="^[\t ]*((static|const|virtual)[\s]+)?[\w:]+([\s]+[\w]+)?([\s]+|(\*|\*\*)[\s]+|[\s]+(\*|\*\*)|[\s]+(\*|\*\*)[\s]+)([\w_]+[\s]*::)?(?!(if|while|for))[\w_]+[\s]*\([^\)\(]*\)([\s]*const[\s]*)?[\n\s]*\{" displayMode="$functionName"> <functionName> <nameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for))[\w_~]+[\s]*\("/> <nameExpr expr="(?!(if|while|for))[\w_~]+"/> </functionName> </function> </parser>
I don’t think this parser works correctly.
I suspect parts of it have been copied from the C/C++ parser hence the double colon i.e. trying to match a class name.
part is for the function name. -
I agree with you. Thank you!
I’m actually in the process of creating the first update/overhaul for functionList.xml.
Unfortunately it will only be a cleanup for the C parser not a correction, yet.Current state:
<parser displayName="C source" id="c_function" commentExpr="(?s-m:/\*.*?\*/)|(?m-s://.*?$)" > <function mainExpr="^[\t ]*((?-i:static|const|virtual)\s+)?[\w:]+(\s+\w+)?(\s+|(\*|\*\*)\s+|\s+(\*|\*\*)|\s+(\*|\*\*)\s+)(\w+\s*::)?(?-i:\b(?!if|while|for)\b)\w+\s*\([^\)\(]*\)(\s*const\s*)?[\n\s]*\{" > <functionName> <nameExpr expr="(?-i:\b(?!if|while|for)\b)[\w~]+\s*\(" /> <nameExpr expr="[\w~]+" /> </functionName> </function> </parser>