Convert multiple files from UTF-8 to ANSI
hello, does anybody know how to convert 200 files from UTF-8 to ANSI ?
there is a nice and useful program, name “Cp Converter” (Codepage Converter) the same thing. This will do all the encoding converts for multiple files.
I was looking for a way to do it in NPP. I found a solution with a Python script (see below) but I’m looking for a way to limit the depth of os.walk method. I want to apply the conversion to HTML files located in the first level only, excluding those in subdirectories. Can someone help on this? Thanks.
Here is the script :
import os; import sys; Path="C:\\python-test" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(Path): for filename in files: if filename[-5:] == '.html': + "\\" + filename) console.write(root + "\\" + filename + "\r\n") notepad.runMenuCommand("Encodage", "Convertir en ANSI") notepad.close()
(I want to exclude : files in subdirectories below python-test folder)C:\python-test\fichier1.html C:\python-test\fichier2.html C:\python-test\python-folder\fichier3.html
Perhaps the quickest way to modify it to do what you want would be adding a single line below the os.walk() line:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(Path): if root == Path:
Thank you very much, I will use your solution.
I just found another solution here : is my code, maybe it will helps someone else with a different need.
import os; import sys; Path="C:\\python-test" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(Path): nested_levels = root.split('/') if len(nested_levels) > 0: del dirs[:] for filename in files: if filename[-5:] == '.html': + "\\" + filename) console.write(root + "\\" + filename + "\r\n") notepad.runMenuCommand("Encodage", "Convertir en UTF-8") notepad.close()
Correction to the second solution :
nested_levels = root.split('\\') if len(nested_levels) == 2:
hello. How can I run this python codes to all files from a folder?
I run this code with python.exe on win10. I only change the path, and I want to test it. But after I copy the code on python.exe, nothing happen.