User-Defined Language | Code Folding with 'double' keyword
is there a way to denote a keyword (for folding) that it should be considered only if it is the first word in a line?
Unfortunately Microsoft Visual FoxPro uses FOR in two very different meanings:
As a loop
FOR n = 1 TO 3
As a condition when replacing table contents:
REPLACE Table.this WITH “A” FOR Table.that = “B”
You may imagine that FOR in sample 2 does not start a loop. Notepad++ should not consider it. What can I do?
Thank you
A. R. -
is there a way to denote a keyword (for folding) that it should be considered only if it is the first word in a li
afaik, no.
What comes into my mind would be two ugly hacks.- Assuming Visual FoxPro is case insensitive make it case sensitive and use
different cases. - Define the FOR loop keyword with an always to use variable
like “FOR n” as the open folding part.
Ugly, said it.
Claudia - Assuming Visual FoxPro is case insensitive make it case sensitive and use