Mouse pointer disappears/goes invisible
Using Win10Pro (x64) and latest version of Notepad++
When I hover the mouse over the the line numbers, bookmarks, or folding lines, the mouse completely disappears. In order to select a line to bookmark or to collapse/expand a formula, I have to guess where the mouse is.
This is a minor issue, as I can use the keyboard shortcuts to assign them, or just not use them, but it is a frustration.
and this happens only with npp not with any other software?
I remember this was one of the issues MS had when introducing windows 10.Cheers
Claudia -
I’ve only noticed it with N++, but of course, that’s not to say it isn’t an MS issue. I am still looking up other occurrences and trying to replicate the issue elsewhere. So far though, only that one area of N++ does it.