leave each Nth line, if contains .... (in script)
I have a file like this:
BBBBB - 11111
BBBBB - 22222
BBBBB - 33333
BBBBB - 44444
BBBBB - 55555
BBBBB - 66666
BBBBB - 77777
BBBBB - 88888
BBBBB - 99999
BBBBB - 00000
BBBBB - AAAAfirst request - i would like to work only on the lines that contain BBBBB and leave every 5th line of them
second request - i would like to delete all lines that contain a specific stringI need these to run in a script
many thanks
Hello, @gonen-shoham,
I understood that you’re interested on lines containing the string BBBBB only, and, also, that you would like to delete lines with a specific string. But, as English is not my native language, I’m still wondering about the expression
leave every 5th line of them
!May be, you could show us from your initial text, or other text, what is the exact text that you expect to ?
Best Regards,
in addition to what Guy already mentioned, it would be good to know what kind of
scripting language you are thinking of.Cheers