Highlighting range between brackets in a .php file with html code as well
@Scott-Sumner - Roger that. Thanks. Posting few seconds after my other post … What a relief … heheheheheh :)
@Alan-Kilborn - Tried this but my Macro kept going back to the same brace. I must be doing it wrong.
Instead i now just click on a brace and do Ctrl + Alt + B ( as pointed out by @Scott Sumner ) to go to the matching brace … its a pity there is no plugin for this yet.
close npp, open shortcuts.xml with a different editor and put the following into it.
<Macro name="Mark_between_brackets" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="0"> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="43023" lParam="0" sParam="" /> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="42020" lParam="0" sParam="" /> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="43009" lParam="0" sParam="" /> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="42020" lParam="0" sParam="" /> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="43022" lParam="0" sParam="" /> </Macro>
Save it, close it and start npp. You should now have a menu entry Mark_between_brackets
under Macro menu.What it does is
43023 - clear any marking using style 1
42020 - start Begin/end select operation
43009 - go to matching brace end
42020 - end Begin/end select operation
43022 - mark active selection using style 1Of course your cursor should be next to the brace to make this work.
Claudia -
Hi, @marco-czen, @claudia-frank and All,
Close any instance of N++
Open your active shortcuts.xml file, with an other text editor than N++ ( IMPORTANT )
Add, in the Macro section, these lines :
<Macro name="Test" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="0"> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="43023" lParam="0" sParam="" /> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="43053" lParam="0" sParam="" /> <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="43022" lParam="0" sParam="" /> </Macro>
Save the modifications
Open N++
Done !
Notes :
= Search > Unmark All > Clear 1st Style -
= Search > Select All Between Matching Braces -
= Search > Mark All > Using 1st Style -
I named this macro Test. Of course, just change this name as you like !
Claudia, am I missing something ? Your macro or mine give identical results !?
@guy038 said:
Claudia, am I missing something ?
No, definitively not :-) - I didn’t see it - need more coffee.
Your macro, which is basically what Scott suggested, is the preferred one - good job.Cheers
Claudia -
@Claudia-Frank said:
open shortcuts.xml with a different editor
@guy038 said:
Open your active shortcuts.xml file, with an other text editor than N++ ( IMPORTANT )
I find, with a relatively recent version of N++ (e.g.s: 7.2.2, 7.5.3), that you don’t have to use a “different text editor” (blasphemy anyway!), as long as you haven’t changed via the N++ GUI any other settings that shortcuts.xml holds. Thus, when you quit N++ after editing shortcuts.xml file with it, N++ won’t feel the need to write out that file–and wipe out your manual edits.
So if you change via the user interface any of these things you definitely don’t want to pull shortcuts.xml into an editing tab and start hacking on it:
- shortcuts via the Shortcut Mapper (or by using the last menu item on the Macro or Run menus)
- saved macros by using the macro recorder
- saved Run menu items created via the Run -> Run… dialog box
Of course, if you’re a noob or at all tentative about this, maybe the “different editor” approach IS best… :-)
Hi, @scott-sumner,
Thanks for sharing this useful info ! So, seemingly, if you simply do these operations, below, the execution of a added macro should be OK :-))
Start Notepad++
Open your active Shortcuts.xml file
Copy, for instance, the Claudia’s macro, above, named Mark_between_brackets, on the black background (
Ctrl + C
) -
Add a new line at the end of the Macro section, before the ending tag
Paste the macro contents (
Ctrl + V
) -
Save the new contents of Shortcuts.xml (
Ctrl + S
) -
Close then re-start N++… and enjoy !
BTW, Scott, you said :
you don’t have to use a “different text editor” (blasphemy anyway!)
Yes, it’s a true nonsense, as Notepad++ IS THE text editor ;-))
Best Regards,
@Claudia-Frank - Niceeee
@guy038 - Niceee
I tried both edit methods - using Notepad++ and later Sublime to edit shortcuts.xml but the changes dont seem to be in effect. There is no new entry under the Macro menu. The “Trim Trailing and save” is the only macro there.
Am i editing the correct file ? location ( C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml ) ?
Also ->@scott -> the Autocomplete doesnt offer Scott Sumner’s name ?
Am i editing the correct file ? location ( C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml ) ?
Could be the issue…that path is only good if you are running a local install. You can tell if this is the case if in your ? (menu) -> Debug Info you see:
Local Conf mode : ON
. For the other type (which I don’t run so can’t give you exact location) check somewhere in the area ofC:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\
. Or if you use the Cloud, it is even somewhere else…check Preferences then Cloud…the Autocomplete doesnt offer Scott Sumner’s name ?
Yea, too many "Scott"s…the NodeBB software seems to have a problem in this area…can’t scroll down to the one you want if the one you want isn’t already on the screen. :-(
BTW, where’s MY “Niceeee” ? :-D
Hey, this is a public request, let’s get some NICCEEE for Scott. :-D lol
This is mine
Claudia -
@Scott-Sumner - Looks like the actual path is;
Added the below code block with Notepad++ itself
<Macro name=“Highlight Brace2Brace” Ctrl=“no” Alt=“no” Shift=“no” Key=“0”>
<Action type=“2” message=“0” wParam=“43023” lParam=“0” sParam=“” />
<Action type=“2” message=“0” wParam=“43053” lParam=“0” sParam=“” />
<Action type=“2” message=“0” wParam=“43022” lParam=“0” sParam=“” />
</Macro>ShutDown and Restarted Notepad and Macros Shows “Highlight Brace2Brace”.
The Macro works fine !
Oops spoke too soon …
If you run the Macro - The braces get highlighted … and … remains highlighted even when u click outside or ESC .
The highlight only disappears when u close the file.Hmmmm…
@Marco-Czen said:
The highlight only disappears when u close the file.
Yes, that is correct behavior.
You can turn OFF the highlight (without closing the file) by executing the command: Search (menu) -> Unmark All -> Clear 1st Style. As that has no default keycombo I strongly suggest you assign it one using Settings (menu) -> Shortcut Mapper…
I also noticed in your macro listing above that you don’t have a keycombo assigned to the macro–for turning the highlighting ON. I suggest you assign one there as well.
Looks like the actual path is
Yes, that is what I meant when I said:
but I should have been more explicit for those maybe not familiar with the way applications store stuff in...\AppData\.......
Never tried the plugin https://github.com/StanDog/npp-phpautocompletion on my own. Installation via PluginManager or manually, see http://docs.notepad-plus-plus.org/index.php?title=Plugin_Development#How_to_install_a_plugin. Latest release: https://github.com/StanDog/npp-phpautocompletion/raw/master/RELEASES/ccc_1.4.1.zip
@Scott-Sumner - Noted. Thanks. You are an asset to this community. Thanks x 1000
@Scott-Sumner - Noted. Thanks.