UNICODE restitution
J’ai tapé et copié/collé des caractères unicode. Notepad les affiche et les imprime normalement. La sauvegarde se passe manifestement bien. Mais, quand je ferme le fichier et que je l’ouvre de nouveau, tous les UNICODE sont remplacés par des point d’interrogation (?) pourquoi Notepad ne restitue-t-il pas les caractères qu’il a enregistré ?Merci d’avance
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I typed and copied / pasted unicode characters. Notepad displays them and prints them normally. The backup is obviously going well. But when I close the file and open it again, all UNICODEs are replaced by question marks (?) Why does not Notepad return the characters it has recorded?Thank you in advance
A similar thing happened to me but in my case I would get a bunch of “NUL” characters whenever I copied and pasted. Here is the fix for my problem:
Select Replace (Ctrl/H)
Find what: \x00
Replace with:
Click on radio button Regular expression
Click on Replace AllI hope this helps!