Is is possible to use 'Find and Replace' without the window position changing?
Hi, this is more a minor annoyance then anything else. When I use the replace tool, after replacing, the window position jumps down to the next instance of the string. This is useful sometimes, but when I just want to replace a few cases, it just leads to me having to scroll back to where I was before.
Images to demonstrate what I mean -
what about bookmarking the line (CTRL+F2)prior to the replace action?
And wants finished you could use F2 to jump to the bookmark.
But this, of course, works only if this is the one and only bookmark in the document.Cheers
Claudia -
There’s a “trick” solution for this. It has been mentioned before in this forum. Here it is:
Use the Replace button as you have been. When you realize you’ve gone too far, press UNDO (default: ctrl+z or ctrl+bksp) followed immediately by REDO (default: ctrl+shift+z or ctrl+y). This will undo your most recent (desired) replacement, then fix it up again (because you want that) with the redo. Meanwhile (…here comes the awesome part…) the caret is now at the location of that final desired replacement and not somewhere distant in the file where you don’t want to be!
Does this still work for you?
I know the trick but, for me, one of the recent versions seems to have fixed this
behavior - seems the undo buffer contains every single replace now - at least on linux.Cheers
Claudia -
Works for me with 7.5.6, here I show a downward replacement of several occurrences of one with two, the final occurrence being “way down” in the file (we don’t want to change that one)…and we want the caret to end up at the last one we did change (line 7):
Recording it showed me that I missed part of the description on how to do it; add: “Once you realize you’ve jumped the caret too far using the Replace button, switch input focus back to the editor tab window before trying to invoke Undo”. Kind of obvious, but…
That is, of course, if this hack works at all…that is a bummer that it is not working in certain situations. And, @Claudia-Frank , tossing around a word like fixed regarding this…tsk, tsk…I would call this a breakage ! :-D I would expect an Undo would only work the way you describe if Replace All was used, not Replace.
sorry - seems I totally misunderstood what OP was asking for.
I thought OP wants to jump back to the original (starting) position,
not to the last position which was ok to be replaced. And now I’m thinking that
this jump (to where the action started) wasn’t possible before at all.Cheers