NppFTP problem - Unable to connect to the server from Notepad++
NppFTP problem - Unable to connect to the server from Notepad++. Please help as it instantly disconnects when try to connect to a server
You haven’t given us much to go on .
Is this a site you’ve connected to before, and it suddenly stopped (if so, did you recently upgrade NPP or NppFTP)? Or is this the first time you’ve ever used NppFTP, and you just cannot get it to work?
For the NppFTP profile for the site you’re trying to connect to, what are your settings? (Especially in the Connection and Authentication) tab.
Are you able to connect to the site using another FTP program (like FileZilla)? If so, what settings do you use in that other program to be able to connect… we might be able to help you translate those into appropriate settings for NppFTP.
The NppFTP has a window it calls the “messages” window, which you can enable by clicking on the rightmost icon (looks kindof like a window with titlebar, or a rectangle with lines), and will open as “NppFTP - Output”. When you try to connect, and it instantly disconnects, it should put some messages in there. You can copy/paste those, and that will give us helpful information.
Other useful information that you can pass along to us:
? > Debug Info > Copy debug info to clipboard
, and paste in your reply. AndPlugins > NppFTP > About
, tell us the NppTP version listed at the bottom (and the zlib, libssh, and OpenSSL versions won’t hurt). -
This is the first time I have installed NppFTP. I was using winscp and FilaZilla. I am able to connect to that server and ftp files across.This is what I see in the NppFTP>Output
Unable to connect
-> Quit
Unable to connect
-> Quit
Unable to connect
DisconnectedThe Nppftp is 0.26.3 unicode
Your version of NppFTP is slightly out of date: mine is 0.27.4 Unicode. Maybe there’s something wrong with that version, but I doubt it.
Most likely, if you are able to connect with WinSCP and with FileZilla, but not with NppFTP, then you need to make sure you are configuring NppFTP similarly to how you configured FileZilla for the same site.
For example, if your FileZilla
Site Manager > {connection name} > General
listsProtocol: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol
, then you need to make sure thatNppFTP > Profile Settings > {connection name}
has `Connection Type: SFTP". Often times, remote sites have disabled old-fashioned FTP, and only allow SFTP… and based on the speed of theThere are some sites that WinSCP and FZ can connect to that NppFTP cannot, due to the underlying libraries each project has chosen, but the error messages you quoted do not match: ie, when I try to connect to one of those, I also see “[SFTP] Connection failed : kex error : …”.
Another option: if FileZilla is still available to you, you can make FZ and NPP work together (and thus not need to get NppFTP working). In FileZilla,
Edit > Settings > File editing
, and pick☑ Use Custom Editor
, entering"c:\program files (x86)\notepad++\notepad++.exe"
(include the quotes if there are spaces in the path; use whatever the path is to your copy of NPP), and☑ Always use default editor
. Then, when you right click on a file, and clickView/Edit
, it will open that file in Notepad++. Edit in Notepad++ while leaving FileZilla open/connected: if you save in NPP, then a dialog will pop up in FZ saying “File has changed” and asking whether or not you want to upload; if you are still editing in NPP, make sure☐ Finish editing and delete local file
stays disabled, but you can hit Yes to upload the file to the remote server, or you can hit No if you don’t want to upload right now. If you are done editing in NPP, then save and close that file in NPP, then when FZ pops up the dialog, you can enable☑ Finish editing and delete local file
, and Yes. (This is the workflow that I started using when NppFTP became incompatible with my webserver, and started giving me the “kex error” mentioned above.)Hope this helps.
@Shloka-Vanam You may create an issue at . But that just makes sense based on latest version 0.27.4. And also there additional infos requested by peter are required to be able to further analyse it.
Thank you very much to Peter Jones .
I will work through your options