Help test NppFTP auto-connect and multi-connect file saving!
I kept saving files in Notepad++ and not actually saving them on the FTP server because I wasn’t “connected”, and I thought that wasn’t very cool. So I edited the NppFTP plugin to automatically match the file being saved to the appropriate FTP server it came from, and automatically connect to that server and upload the file. This has the combined benefit of never having to click the “connect” button to start saving to your FTP server, but you can also have multiple files open that all belong to different FTP servers, and when you save it will connect to the correct server for each one.
I could really use some testers
Just drop the appropriate binary into your plugins folder, mine is C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\
x32’s the full pull request for more info so you know it’s legit:
Also, please post bugs you find to the github thread above.